Tomb Raider Review

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by A Zebra, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013

    I'm not sure, but I was at a loss for what to say about this game. It caused a five day writer's block for me.
    So I'm kinda curious what other people think of the game
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Your footage is incredibly dark to me. Not sure if that's your footage or ripping or something. Might want to filter next time.
    I think one of the reasons they upped the idea of the deaths was for the same reason it was upped in Dead Space, because we love violence. That and the team probably thought it was somehow unique. Idk.
    The games have always had fantasy elements in the plot. An ancient evil from within the tombs, etc. It's based of Indiana Jones films after all. But the story is boring in my mind, and inconsistent a lot. The biggest issue you'll hear is the first kill Lara does all emotional and all, but after that she mows down anyone without a flinch. Feels like the director and the individual writing and design teams either didn't realise it, didn't care or didn't have time to rectify it. Square are happy pulling the plug on franchises if they ask for more time or funds if it's not a Final Fantasy game.
    The accent is ok, but it's an American doing it. She reverts back to her natural voice when she tries to sound stressed, and sometimes since she can't hold the accent whilst sounding emotional, she just sounds flat emotionally. Least that's what I got. A lot of mild voice acting.
    The game reminded me the most of a linear Far Cry 3 in third person. Which was disappointing after already playing Far Cry 3. I honestly wouldn't have recommended it, as much as people called it their game of 2013. If you like Uncharted, this was a good change of pace.

    Thomas Was Alone. I'll await the thoughts.