A little girl ran into me while I was walking along, minding my own business. I checked around to see if she had a guardian or anything, and then I started talking to her. She told me that she ran away from home because her parents were mean and wouldn't stop fighting. Then she asked me why I looked like I was going to cry; and I was, because I did the exact same thing when I was her age. She couldn't have been more than 9 or 10. I ended up talking her out of staying out and took her back home, which was about a block away. Both of her parents had been in alarm and were on the brink of calling the police. They invited me into their house ( which was really nice ), and asked me about what happened. When I told them, the shame on their faces was magnanimous. I didn't tell them anything about myself, but I carefully explained to them the psychological damage fighting between guardians does to a child. When I left their house, I felt good. Nice. And I cried for a little while, wishing someone would have told my parents this, but I figured I was okay now, so there was no need. I hope that little girl will be okay.
Who knows what might have happened to that girl if you didn't run into her. Good on you, Sax. Faith in humanity restored.
Goes to show how our situations can help others down along the same path. Good on ya Saxima, I have this odd sensation to give y'the nicest wee hug ever.