I can't get on either Youtube, Blogger or Google. And yesterday I got this in my Youtube channel: Spoiler A hack threat, basically. Can you all access those sites or is it just me? :/
It's ridiculous ;x She (xskymelodyx) didn't even do anything wrong to him. And now he hacked her and me. Awesome --
Because that's the best thing to do to a hacker. Maybe invite him over for afternoon tea and little cakes.
I can't get on the site and I don't think I know there are other ways to contact him :/ I bet he won't even consider if I talk to him anyway lol. And I don't know where to report it since I can't get on Google too :(
Now when you say you can't get on, is it that you can't log in? or is it that you can't get to the site at all (such as a error page)? I'm guessing it is the first, so use the "Can't access your account?" button under the login forms. Doesn't matter which site since it is all Google.
He's either butthurt, or feels like messing with you because he's got nothing better to do. What an idiot. (don't tell him I said that)
Lol Tiger. No, I can't get to the site at all, I can't even view any Youtube videos embed here. ;x I'm thinking to report him.
Nope. :/ But now I can access Youtube, Google and Blogger again for some unexplained reason o.o My friend who has been threatened by the guy has her channel invisible though. When I went to look it up, it says 'channel is unavailable'.