I was at the train station recharging my train card and stuff and just when I was about to leave a man comes up to me and tells me with the most preoccupied tone of voice saying he can't board the train because he needed 50 more cents to board..and I gave him my last change and he got all happy and stuff and said thank you to me. =D He got off the stop where the hospital is c: maybe he needed to go to the doctor or maybe he needed to see someone. Who knows? I helped someone out and it made me all fuzzy and warm. c:
...I just realized I've never ridden a train other than inside airports. Holy crap @___@. But d'aww, that's pretty awesome.
I've only gone once through that train, but it feels so awesome. It's like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Lulz, kinda childish xD But it is, it felt like in anime where they show the protagonist thinking while he's in the train. It maydee meh feal spechiul xDD