To my Monsieur

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Flamedancer, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    It's in French (though the grammar is probably horrible). It's about love. Yah. If you really want a translation, you'll have to ask.

    Monsieur, je t'adore. Mais tu me blesses. Peut-être je vais attender pour toi, mais est-ce que tu vas attender pour moi? Tu es beau, c'est vrai (mais tu vas rougiras si je te dit ça, sans dout), et, quand tu es un peu plus ancien, les filles vont regardent à toi. Et moi, ton drôle amie, ce arrivera à moi? Peut-être je suis ta Eponine, donc est-ce que je vais regarder quand tu trouverai ta Cosette? Tu es un vrai Marius, tu sais. Ou, peut-être, dans un année ou deux, je vais rire quand je rappellerai le temps quand je t'ai aimé, et je vais être ta soeur encore. Pas amour, pas romance. Et toi, mon petit monsieur (tu es petit parce que tu es jeune. Maintenant, tu es plus grand que moi)? Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire? Est-ce que tu as un secret, comme moi? Ou peut-être tu es jeune, et ne penses pas à des choses d'amour. Mais, tu vas grandir dans cette année, et l'année prochaine, et l'année prochaine. Peut-être tu vas realiser que je t'adore. Ou peut-être tu sais maintenant, mais tu as peur. T'en fait pas, je comprends. Si j'étais toi, j'aurais peur aussi. Ou...peut-être je suis trop âgée pour toi, juste comme tu es trop jeune pour moi. D'accord, j'ai un proposition pour toi...

    Si tu attends pour moi, j'attenderai pour toi.
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Hmm, is this fanfiction? Just curious, not sure whether to move it to Original Works since I didn't recognise any of the personal pronouns.

    I really enjoyed reading through this :'D It's been a while since my french skills have been properly tested. The only thing that got tiring was the repetition of phrases (you overused peut-etre far too much) but I suppose at a certain level its better not to make sentences too complicated. xD

    This was really sweet. c: Although I did start to wonder if this actually was incest.. or you were just using it as an expression.

    "If you wait for me, I'll wait for you" : But they'll both be aging, no? I guess she just has to wait for him to mature and realise.

    Very cute. <3 Not sure how perfect the french was in terms of whether it was too much literal translation because I'm not a native :b
  3. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Not a fanfic, it should be in original works. My bad ^^;

    And no, it's not incest! I've known the kid since he was in 7th grade, and I've thought of myself as his surrogate big sister until relatively recently.

    And thank you very much X3