Merry Birthday, good sir. I hope you have a good one. If we ever meet in America or if you come over here to the land of tea and crumpets, I owe you a drink or two. XD Whether that is beer or tea... well, I'll let you choose. XD But yeah. XD Just for today, I won't talk about you and Arch ButtWaxing (other than this instance I just mentioned. :/) Have fun Buddy. :D
Happy birthday Webhead! Ahh! Well done for being born in October, the best of them all ^^ I hope you have a fabulous day whatever you do but always make sure you don't run with scissors :3
Congratumalations Bueno, on... what are we celebrating again? surviving another year full of KH-V-ness.
Happy B-day Bueno! Since it's Saturday, you'll hopefully get the day to yourself, your closest friends, and KHV of course. X3 We my only be aquaintances, but I still wish you the best. I mean, your birthday can't possibly be bad when you can end up at a frat party~
Thanks, guys<3 @Makaze, I've simply been trying to catch up at school and getting started with my new job. Rest assured, I haven't gone anywhere. @Cat<3Sora, I wish, but I'm spending today at my girlfriend's in my hometown. She's working all day so I'm simply going to work on an English paper and Philosophy essay. Though my roommates/Fraternity brothers and I are hosting a toga party next month~ But my girlfriend took me out to eat and a movie last night.
DUUUUDE, WELCOME TO ADULTHOOD 8D It doesn't feel any different than before, apart from the occasional identity/age-crisis. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy birthday unsexy Beeno! May you one day achieve the Sexy Tier. too bad I'll be in the Sexier Tier then B)