Time Travel

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Inasuma, Apr 12, 2008.

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  1. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Ohshi- time travel.

    Does anyone think it's possible? And if it is, under what circumstances would it entail, do you think?

  2. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Well nothing is impossible, but I would say that time travel is pretty difficult subject because it has not been done before. I do think that it is possible. But the things necessasry may not of even been invented yet. =/
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Einstein proved time travel to be impossible. Well, the act of actually travelling to a specific period in the past or future.

    Through special relativity (I think, completely off the top of my head here), if you travelled fast enough away from the Earth and then came back, time would have travelled different and so it would seem as if you were in the future when in fact time had just travelled slower. (or is it the other way around >_>)

    Also, the more gravity there is the slower time travels. The converse is also true. Which is why when you go up the stairs everything goes faster; you're thoughts, respiration, metabolism and bodily functions. Gaining altitude means that gravity has less of an effect.
  4. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Time travel, i'd like to think it's not improbable but instead less than plausible. If we were able to travel through time or discover a different reality of the one we are in now, it's possible that according to Doc Brown, you would create a Paradox and destroy the fabric of time.

    But i mean, we can't even get back to the moon, how can we time travel right now?
  5. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    People say they can time travel by only going through speeds of light. The speed of light slows time for you and them itself would either repeat itself or move forward. I still think that it's possible but you may need a better technology for it.
  6. Atlas Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 16, 2007
    I always thought that if time travel were possible we'd know about it, you know? Like if you could time travel, why not go back in time and just invent it earlier?
  7. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I think that it is impossible all together. There are far too many paradoxes that could happen because of it that I really don't think it would physically happen. Even though time is classified as a dimension, I don't think it's connected like the X Y and Z axis are. Plus, even if you could time travel, you would gain infinite mass by Einstein's Equation.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I heard something about if you traveled super super super fast away from the earth, almost in an instant, then looked back with a really, really, really, really, REALLY powerful telescope, you would be able to look into the past or something like that, or back in time. IE, arriving at a destination before it ever took off in the first place.

    My music teacher said that. o.O;
  9. Repliku Chaser

    I believe time travel could be possible. I don't think it would turn out like Star Trek with their ridiculous episodes where people can control it going back in time, but I do think time travel could work hypothetically to move us to other areas faster since there is proof that even the speed of light can go faster than people assumed. It is one of those interesting subjects that I do not get to research as much as I would like to, but I have not really seen any reason to not believe it is attainable if we keep moving forwards and learn more.
  10. Erkz Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 18, 2007
    In a place far removed from mankind.
    Impossible. Time doesn't exist. :\

    There is a way to travel through time though. But you can't go back more than a day.

    =o It's called timezones. *shot*

    <.< But seriously, you can't travel trough a 1/2 dimensional manmade concept that has no tangible form.
  11. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Time travel? Sure, I believe it can be done. Right now, no. I don't think we have the technology to make it possible.
  12. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    that is true, but it's not really time travel. the explanation is becuz the light from that time period is still traveling outwards. light is also the means of our vision, the differnet light colors travel into our eyes and we differentiate it using colors, which is how we see. so.....seeing as the light from the earth is going outward, going away fast enough and looking at the direction of the earth, you will see the earth as it was years ago (but it won't actually be that way, it's just becuz you're seeing the image generated from the light). right now, some of the stars we see are no longer even there but because the light has JUST reached us, we can see it and that's why it appears to be there even though in reality, that star might've disappeared years ago.
  13. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    I agree. Time itself was never proven, it was just a man-made concept to help us keep track of the events in our lives and history. We just accepted it as a thing that keeps moving foward and forward. The only real past we have is from memories of things that have already happened. And the only future is the ones we make for ourselves. But who knows, maybe it is some kind of dimensional consruct that moves in a linear line that we will one day learn to master. Although if that were to happen, then the time line starts splitting and it just gets crazy from there on.
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I have a time travel device!

    You close your eyes, think really hard about the future, and voila, you are a second into the future.

    But seriously, no. It never works out.

    So many theorys.

    The loop theory. (think Harry Potter)
    The split theory. (Think DBZ)
    The completly screwed up non theory theory. (Think Kim Possible)
  15. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    In a few hundred years, it could work...but only into the future. Going into the past would create too many paradoxes, but not if you go to the future. But you wouldn't be able to travel back because your foreknowledge would create a paradox.

    However, what we should really ask is not can this be done but should we risk reality as we know it trying to find out?
  16. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Do not screw with time travel is all I'll say. The fact is that doing so would destroy one form's matter and create it again in the future, which goes against the whole law of matter being neither created nor destroyed, only changed.
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I think that's the shortest post I've ever seen you type
    Well if it was possible, why hasn't someone from the future time traveled back to our time?

    I have a time machine too! but it only goes forward...at normal speed.

    The loop theory from Harry Potter seems the most plausible (you're referring to the third book, right?) but it still seems as if someone would notice it. That's why I believe it's impossible.
  18. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    It's possible that it's happened. You just wouldn't know unless someone told you? Of course that's assuming that all ethnicity stays practically the same so it wouldn't be noticed.

    WEll, if it looped, it should be looping the same way every time, so wouldn't no one notice?
  19. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I would actually say it isn't possible, or if it is, it could wreak havoc on... Just about everything.

    Think about it. Say you went back in time and met yourself. As you were talking to yourself, a new memory would be stuffed into your brain where a memory originally wasn't there. Then, certain events might change, like you'd spend time chatting with your future self instead of eating a bowl of ice cream like you would have done if nobody went back in time. Because of this, your memory would keep changing. I would actually say it could seriously hurt someone or drive them insane for this to happen. Nevermind the fact that your old self might disappear because you might not be able to be in two places at once, which would mean if you went back to where you came from, you yourself would disappear.

    Even if you didn't talk to yourself or anyone directly, you could still alter someone's memories in the future if you changed something or someone saw you, which would lead to the same problem. Going back in time even further (i.e. prehistoric times) could be even worse, because if you left anything there -- even, say, a footprint -- it could drastically alter the future.

    So I'd say even if it is possible, it'd be a bad idea.
  20. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Time travel, as described in sci-fi, was proved basically impossible by Einstein, if I remember correctly. However, time viewing, the act of simply looking back or forward in time, has potential and could actually happen. Time viewing may actually prove more useful than time travel anyways, because of the (possible) lack of paradoxes. If all you're doing is looking, you can't possibly become your own grandfather, right? :D We would also finally settle the religious debates once and for all, one way or another.
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