Stick a musical artist and one of their albums in, get Stand. Band: 30 Seconds to Mars Album: Love Lust Faith + Dreams Stand Name: BRIGHT LIGHTS Stand Ability: [Mechanical Limb Generation] Power - D Speed - D Range - B Durability - C Precision - D Potential - B
The Fall of Troy: Phantom on the Horizon Stand Name: Chapter IV: Enter the Black Demon Stand Ability: Needle Proficiency Power - E Speed - E Range - A Durability - B Precision - E Potential - C
Band: Owl City Album: The Midsummer Station Stand name: Silhouette Stand ability: Telepathic Mimicry Power: B Speed: A Range: D Durability: D Precision: D Potential: B Spoiler: another one I got that was too good not to post Band: Sky Sailing Album: An Airplane Carried Me To Bed Stand name: Explorers Stand ability: Tailwind Generation Power: C Speed: C Range: E Durability: B Precision: D Potential: C
Band: Miracle of Sound Album: Level 1 Stand Name: Gordon Freeman Saved My Life Stand Ability: [Pyrokinetic Blade Construction] Power - D Speed - A (Apparently it ain't running on Valve time.) Range - A Durability - A Precision - A Potential - E
Band: Animals as Leaders Album: Animals as Leaders Stand Name: The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing Stand Ability: Esoteric Star Manipulation Power - A Speed - B Range - A Durability - A Precision - B Potential - B Progressive metal master race is once again supreme.
Trying another Band: Nine Inch Nails Album: The Fragile Stand Name: The Great Below Stand Ability: [Demonic Infusion] Power - C Speed - C Range - B Durability - E Precision - A Potential - A Yo, I really like this one.
Aaaaaand after some dicking around I got this gem: Band: Miracle of Sound Album: Level 4 Stand Name: Niko It's Your Cousin Stand Ability: [Despair Manipulation] Power - E Speed - B Range - D Durability - E Precision - B Potential - B
AFI: Burials Stand Name: The Face Beneath the Waves Stand Ability: [Mental Hallucination] Power - A Speed - D Range - E Durability - E Precision - A Potential - C
This was the second one I got whilst dicking around: Band: Death Cab for Cutie Album: Transatlanticism Stand name: Transatlanticism Stand Power: Life Creation Power: B Speed: B Range: C Durability: B Precision: E Potential: D
And I get a rather cool sounding one with a fitting power. Band: Miracle of Sound (Yes, I like them. OK?) Album: Level 4 Stand Name: The Day the World Died Stand Ability: [Disease Acceleration] Power - D Speed - B Range - E Durability - A Precision - B Potential - A