This is amazing. XD I don't have any guncons though... I guess I should wait to see what happens with this. I've always been a fan of playing them at the arcades; just never owned the ported ones. Is the guncon (PS2) any good? How's the calibration, etc? Cause the arcade ones are obviously always good.
Legend has it that there only remains one free guncon in my province. I've been too lazy and without sufficient funds to locate it. I am considering importing. Time Crisis is just too godly of a shooter to pass up.
Yeah, yeah. You and specifics. Okay out of all the EB's in Ontario legend has it that there is only one remaining guncon. And I have yet to check Pacific Mall, so if that all works out screw the legend.
Maybe U/C models. But I've definitely seen JP Guncons at the game store I go to all the time at Pacific Mall. And yes, it's actually a legitimate game store. I bought my FFXI set there.
I remember you mentioning something like that, and I gasped that you didn't buy XI from EB. It collects prime dust now does it not?
Yeah, it's all packaged on my shelf in my room. But yeah, definitely may look into TC4 when it furthers in development. I've procrastinated getting guncons for a long time.