Scroll down to number 3 and you'll see it, personally I'm not suprised, though I wanted Auron instead of him.
I wouldn't consider Tidus under the category of awesome final fantasy characters, but I guess they had to even out the playable characters from each game. :/
Now the true question is, who will be Tidus' counterpart? Tidus never had a rival in the game. Jecht never really faught, his boss form is too huge, and Yu Yevon sucked ***. The only real antagonist of Final Fantasy X was Seymour...who as far as Dissidia goes fits the recommendation to be his counterpoint.
Well, I looked on the Gamefaqs forums, here that link is probably confirming 9 of the villians in Dissidia: FFI - Garland FFII - Palamecia FFIII - Cloud of Darkness FFV - Exdeath FFVI - Kefka FFVII - Sephiroth FFVIII - Ultimecia FFIX - Kuja FFX - Jecht
wonder if they will throw in FF9's trance for zidane and kuja? tidus isn't the most popular of FF games. it's not that big of a surprise they put him in it though
And what about final Fantasy IV??? No Geolbez? (or is it a surprise) This is discrimination or something... (maybe they didn't put it in cos it had a remake recently r something...but that's still a crap excuse if that is it!!!) and ultimecia was more of Rinoa's enemy if you asked me cos they were both black mages but then again Squall does despise the woman but Seifer would've been a better enemy though he wasn't as evil.... You undertsand my reasons right?
All of this stuff is in magazines? Or is it only online so far? It's never in magazines, they're always like three months behind XD I wouldn't mind seeing this stuff in print, though, if people know a good one.
New Scans (?) Tidus is a hottie lolz
Ha, they really put Jecht. I didnt care much for him in there but he might be awesome if they dont downplay him. I like his sword though.
I don't mind having Tidus there. It's not really unexpected. What I'd like to know though is who would the FF VI hero featuring in this game, since there wasn't really a protagonist in FF VI.