Thy Mountain Pyre

Discussion in 'Archives' started by MaliciousRelik, Dec 10, 2006.

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  1. MaliciousRelik Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 19, 2006
    Behind the shadows of your eyes
    I build thy Mountain Pyre
    Through the blame and the shame
    Thy flame is my claim to fame
    Through water and earth I climb
    My fire lights the way for those how are lost within
    Although myself may be lost
    I stick to my flame from within and I ignore the pain
    From the fire to the end of my limits
    I push this line
    When I break my barrier I become more away of what is within
    Form what is within I make me aware
    Aware of my surroundings
    I see my foe and lower my head
    Only to ram them instead
    Through determination and form power within
    My spirit shall remain untamed
    Although there are forces that can tame the flame within
    They cannot hold out long
    As long as I breathe I fight
    I fight for my claim to fame
    I fight for my right to be known
    To prove what I am and why I am doing what I do
    Although with this in mind I see a dampening darkness and a wall of water and earth
    Even though I see my Mountain Pyre in my future I still proceed onward
    When I accomplish what I have set out to achieve I complete my circle
    Through life and death I stay here
    For the time I have left might be near or not
    It depends on Thee and Thy surroundings
    When my body fails to move and thy blood circulates no more
    My spirit lives on
    Even my wings of Black Sheath shall remain
    Even in death I shall protect
    Even after Thy Mountain Pyre
    Thus says soul one.
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