Off the rails was pretty lame in my opinion. Poor graphics, and badly planned.Missions sucked and the talking thing too. No offense if you love it. I suppose it passes as "okay"
well i dont LOVE it.....i'll only play it once and a while. missions i thought did suck. the graphics......meh. i dont mind the talking.but when i heard about it, i thought (wow! a rollercoaster tycoon on ps2!) i was sorta wrong.
I bought the first one.....It was fun for a while but not anymore >.< I think they could of made it better...
yeah i got it the first day it came out, beat it (i couldn't believe how easy it was) and i didn't play it for like a year after that. forgot most of it it but here's half of one: I think ur ugly something soemthing something and thats in flirt mode 2. lol