Something I made that I just want to get out of my head and onto something. Rainbow Castle was famous for its multi colored rain, but on a night in the future the rain was a dark, sullen, gray. The castle stood high up, its shadow lay deep on the ground covering a lone hill just outside the castle. A man lay on the hill, still breathing but, with death creeping upon him. The man stared at the storm above him. He whispered a name to the sky. "They will be called Neoheartless" he whispered. With the name escaping his lips, he closed his eyes and passed away. With his death the sky appeared to grow darker and the multitude of thunder increased with its roar in an unending crescendo. The Keyblade in his hand started to glow with a deep blue color. Then, it flashed a bright white and disappeared. The keyblade's owner was dead and needed to move on. Its owner was Leo; the great grandson of Sora.
um...I found this incredibly confusing. Why did he whisper "neoheartless"? I thought at first you were going to have them appear from the dark sky with his death but nothing happened. It's neat that the character is the grandson of Sora, but you've only mentioned two generations when the title is "three generations". You can't "resemble" a color, if something resembles something else it looks like another object. <3
It is ninety-six years after the end of Sora's story. That time was called "The Awakening of New." Since Sora's journey has ened others from other worlds have learned of other worlds, discovered new worlds and populating them. Now people have discovered galaxies holding a plethora of other worlds and have traveled to them. Now that traveling to other galaxies is possible order was made. This new order has risen with the help of Ex-king Mickey who stepped down from his kinghood and let the other-worlders govern themselves. This was the creation of the KeyBlade Government. This new order uses the power of the keyblade to protect and to govern the worlds. With this new governmet there is order even though the heartless and nobodies still run around. Yet, they are now not as big as a threat as they were almost a century ago. This is because of the creation of the Keyblade Academies and the Keyblade Order. These organizations were created to help incase of a heartless or nobody threats and work together in order to do so. So as much peace as possible is spread across the galaxies. For now. But this end of peace will be in the future. Out story starts out 96 years after Sora's story at a prestegious Keyblad Academy; the Motfort Academy. Where one boy, whose great grandson was at the "Awakening of New." This is the story of Leo. This is who he was, what he is, and what he will be.