Frankly I'm sorry for bringing this into the forums, but i feel its neccesary. [video=youtube;57Sb14dyaUc]![/video]
She was kind enough to give us a 3 second rule to look at her, the least she could do is create one so we don't have to listen after 3 seconds. >|
.......MY EARS!! HOLY MARRY MOTHER OF GOD, MY EARS!!! SOMEONE GET ME A GUN PLEASE!! I CAN'T LIVE WITH THIS PAIN!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO SUBJUGATE MYSELF TO LISTENING TO THESE SONGS ALL THE WAY!!? And did anyone else get the creeps when you saw her eyes? Anytime I saw them I thought of this scene, exactly [video=youtube;ADrojCw6amM][/video] And I counted 5 seconds for some of the people that looked
I didn't even make it past a minute of that . . . that . . . monstrosity. I feel like crying now, that was so horrible.
26 seconds in and I stopped. I couldn't take it. "Remember me, burny?! When I gave you childhood trama, I talked JUST LIKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!"