First Teaser Trailer: Spoiler: Synopsis After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron,[1] Thor, held captive on the planet Sakaar without his hammer, must win a gladiatorial duel against an old friend — the Hulk — in order to return to Asgard in time to stop the villainous Hela and the impending Ragnarök, the doom of the Asgardian civilization. He must also team up with Doctor Strange to find his missing father Odin, whom Loki is impersonating.
guardians 2 and this comes out this year. I bet this time next year people are going to be saying Marvel is starting to feel too Guardians across the board horn girl looks awesome. i hope the movie is full of that
That did indeed feel very Guardian-ish x3 It's exciting though to see who Thor is without his hammer. Seeing Thor, Hulk, and Spoiler Doctor Strange all in one big screen is going to be quite the treat.
Feels great to see Thor interacting with more than just mystical Asgard and realistic Midgard. We get to see some heavy sci-fi elements with the aliens just like Guardians!
how cool would it be if sora arrives in the world of marvel and already knows Captain america and Co from his comics at home.
I am beyond happy to see Loki back. Tom Hiddleston is always an acting treat. And I have to admit that at first I didn't recognize Thor since he has short hair here. Part of me misses those flowing golden locks but if he's wearing the winged helmet than I am okay with it. Most certainly looking forward to this one. I love the Thor films.
I've never been terribly interested in the past Thor films, but watching the trailer, this one seems really fun and enjoyable. The banter also feels less scripted than it did in past films (namely, AoU), and just comes off as more natural and genuine. It's surprising for me, but I'm really excited for this one and dat Valkeyrie, whew lads