This Will Take a While

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Amaury, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Going through all of my videos on YouTube and reformatting them to bring them up to the modern YouTube.

    As of right now at 11:20 AM, I have a total of 2,944 videos (count includes private and unlisted videos) spread across 99 pages with 30 videos per page, with the exception of page 99, which only has four because it's not full yet.

    I started yesterday and am currently on page 93.

    To provide an example, spaces could not be used tags back then, so you had to use separate tags for first and last names or combine first and last names. I combined and had EthanWaber; now I'm changing them all to Ethan Waber.

    This isn't so much to modernize, but I'm also going back and editing videos and adding the total number of parts on walkthroughs and let's plays that are finished since I'm behind on that (e.g., Spyro the Dragon Walkthrough - Part 1: Artisans > Spyro the Dragon Walkthrough - Part 1/25: Artisans).

    For descriptions, I'm just blanking them out for most of my older videos. Then for the ones when I started keeping track of the recorded date, I'm updating the format on that.

    I startedwith:
    - 6/1/2014
    Then later I changed it to:
    Date recorded: 6/1/2014
    Then later I changed it to the present format:
    Recorded on June 1, 2014.
    And now since I'm already going through every single one of my videos and updating titles, tags, etc., I think I might change it to:
    This video was recorded on June 1, 2014.
    Then I'm doing one more thing, which is turning my first Phantasy Star Universe walkthrough into an official walkthrough. Previously, I just had:
    • Phantasy Star Universe - Chapter 1: Title
    • Phantasy Star Universe - Chapter 1: Title
    • Phantasy Star Universe - Chapter 1: Title

    And so on. Now, I'm changing it to Phantasy Star Universe Walkthrough - Part X/X. Then I'll need to change what I counted as the first official walkthrough and to walkthrough #2.