Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by jafar, Jan 13, 2013.
i challenge you to solve it, khvideos
wow get a talking dog or something guys you're all terrible at this
Some of us cannot be nearly as intellectual and ingenious as your person, Rainypoo.
bish pls you fuqing love it.
i hate it like i hate your spelling right now.
You're so inadequately unpleasant right now.
only because you called me rainypoo.
different strokes for different folks I guess.
Why are you putting Chevalier's face on Chevalier's face.
Cuz Tacoception
It's a ****** American taco compared to the real thing. I win where's my lap dance
not everyone strokes poo.
poo on you then :c
bless you
why does everyone talk about poo? it really isnt that interesting
Done by my class.