More specifically, my Distribution Channels class hates me. I've managed to barely hold a B in that class, and now I get a 55/100 on my stupid quiz for this week. I would like to point out that I officially hate marketing, and find it to be almost as hard to understand as Government. I much prefer my practical classes, like Photoshop stuff, and Statistics using Excel
I like the quarter, but today hates me: Possible quiz in Spanish 102 Test in Math 84 Chapter 3: Graphing. I'm surprisingly doing better on it this time, though, than back in Math 75, where I got a 64% on the test. Test in Philosophy 101 All questions on the objective part are true and false this time rather than 10 matching, five definitions, and 10 true and false. René Descartes' theory of knowledge is our essay topic this time.
I think the only one I could do without a problem in that is math. Graphing is pretty much the easiest part of any math problem. Permutations and Combinations are easy too, when you're allowed to use a calculator with them; if not, then I'm out the door and you're outta luck. We'll find out how I do in Philosophy too, because in the Fall, I have to take Logic I, which is a philosophy class...that somehow adds in to being a math class. I know this degree is more on a supervisory aspect than a technical, but I would not mind being a grunt and just working on technical stuff in a job, preferably on games. I'll wait on the supervisory stuff till later.