This or That?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Gobolo, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    Hello and welcome to This or That!
    I know, I know it sounds like some crazy gameshow, (And at sometime it probably was O_o) [SIZE=+1]BUT...[/SIZE]
    This isn't one of those. This is a thread to come to whenever you have a dispute on which option you should pick regarding whatever new game or console you might decide to add to your inventory.
    Hopefully if this idea takes off well enough it shall be stickied by the great stickie gods of mount Watchamacallit.
    But before that even happens (if it happens at all)...
    Here's some basic housekeeping:
    1. You do not talk about This or That.
    2. You do not talk about This or That.
    3. All the rules according to the rules section apply
    4. When you submit the decision you can not make you must format it using the format stated below.
    5. If you wish to offer advice on a decision do not just say "I really like [game a]! But I haven't played [game b]..." for your entire post... Explain what you know about the games you have played and what you think of the games you haven't played but know of. If you only know about 1 game then that's okay as long as you actually get a valuable (more than one line) opinion across!
    6. There are no more rules.
    Option x


    Now I would do an example but I have the next best thing, an actual dispute so I'll just fill out the format!
    Option 1
    Goods: Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics
    Prices: $9.99 each, $19.99 as a package (USD)
    Platform: PC
    Misc: Dealt through Steam - Currency exchange fee not included. I have played Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 respectively.

    Option 2
    Good: Pre-Purchased Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
    Price: $49.99 (USD)
    Platform: PC
    Misc: Also dealt through Steam, by pre-purchasing the purchase is treated as a deluxe edition purchase for the price of the regular version. I have played Assassin's Creed 2 and 1 but not the handheld games.

    So if I've done this right you guys should know what to do. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    So in essence, it's an advice thread? Where you ponder over whether to get this or that game/console, depending on other people's experiences, ideas and opinions?
    I'm only asking cause I wasn't quite sure what you meant by dispute. It sounded like you had a personal dispute and not one your asking other people to resolve. Meh, maybe I wasn't paying proper attention.

    About your dispute:
    I had the same idea for option number 1 before, after playing Fallout 3 I really wanted to play the previous ones. I actually bought the same set you're talking about, and though I'm sure they were good games when first released, they feel very aged and they are entirely different to Fallout 3 and New Vegas. If you like old RPGs and are a huge fan of Fallout, then I recommend gettting it. Otherwise i'd say not to bother with it, you're not missing much of anything.

    For option 2, I do own Brotherhood on 360 and I ordered the Codex edition. That's how much I wanted this game and how much I love it. I would personally say if you liked the previous editions of the main series, this is a must to understand the story and really enjoy playing as Ezio once again. Gameplay wise it's a refined and improved version of AC2, more action paced where you feel like a master assassin, but it's not the hugest leap. It's got improvements, but not the kind that you expereince from AC1 to AC2. I personally love the eidtion of such a unique multiplayer experience, but if your really into COD type multiplayer, you may not enjoy it that much. Defiantely a worthwile game.

    Overall recommendarion: Option 2
  3. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    Yes, it is an advice thread in a nutshell...
    The dispute I meant was an inner dispute with yourself... and this thread's purpose is that you can use it for in order to get a third opinion and hopefully solve the said dispute.
    Thanks for your advice.