my schedule: 1. Apex 2. Physics H 3. Eng. 12 H 4. Latin IV H This is great because every other day in latin is a study hall because they put latin v and iv in the same room so we have to alternate. So every other day I only have two work classes, and theyre two classes i enjoy.
1. Human Relations in the Work Place 2. Electronic Drawing II (Lecture Hour) 3. Electronic Drawing II (Lab Hour) 4. Typography II 5. HTML Web Development There's a two hour break between 3 and 4 as well. c:
I finally get to start class next week. Monday/Wednesday Principles of Economics Introduction to sociology The Human Environment: Biological Processes Friday Film Appreciation I'm really hoping a few people drop the beginning chemistry class so I can take that instead. Can anyone guess which class I'm looking forward to the most?
1) Woodshop/Construction (dropped math for this) 2) Study Hall 3) World History 4) Chemistry -Lunch- 5) Environmental Science 6) Language 11 7) Art/Y.E.S program (Every other day) my schedule is kawaii'er than all ya'lls.
Monday: ~FREE PERIODS~ Single English Tuesday: Triple Biology ~FREE PERIOD~ Single Chemistry Wednesday: Triple English literature Double Psychology Thursday: Triple Chemistry Double biology Friday: Double psychology ~FREE PERIODS~ I'm not complaining, but I have 5 less free periods a week than all my friends because I chose to do 4 a levels xD
7-4 or 10:30-7:30/8 .....that's my work least I'm not in school, and when I get back home in 4 1/2 months I'll have nothing for about 2 weeks
A Days: AP Language and Composition Pre-Calculus Honors TV Production 5/6 B Days: AP American History Chemistry Honors TV Production 5/6 They alternate (if Monday is an A day then Tuesday is a B day and so on) but at the very least I HAVE TWO HOURS OF EDITING AND COMPUTERS EVERY DAY.
Yeah, and it helps that I had the professor before for my script writing class. Some stuff, like The Hero's Journey, will be something I'll have to sit through again, but I'd been wanting to take this class for a long time.
Statistics(not the sissy kind most people around here take) Numerical Analysis Analytical Mechanics II Advanced Labratory Practice(focusing on Modern Physics) I miss the days when school was easy. You guys have such light schedules. ; ;
Abornormal Psychology (Tuesday and Thursday 12-2 PM) Social Psychology (Monday and Wednesday 4-6 PM) Intro to Ethics (Tuesday and Thursday 4-6 PM) Pathways (Innovation) (Monday 11 AM - 12 PM) being a psych major is free fridays
Free Fridays here too. (: Monday/Wednesday (8-10:30 AM, 11-1:30 PM) - 3D Animation then Survey of Visual Effects Tuesday/Thursday (8-10:30 AM) - Digital Form, Space, and Lighting for 3D Animation
Monday Electronics I (Lab) Tuesday Embedded Systems (Lecture) Electronics I (Lecture) Computer Architecture (Lecture) Wednesday Embedded Systems (Lab) Thursday Embedded Systems (Lecture) Electronics I (Lecture) Computer Architecture (Lecture) Friday Computer Architecture (Lab) Online (yes, I'm not finished yet :/) Object Oriented Programming so yes, I'm busy as f*** this semester.[DOUBLEPOST=1359673471][/DOUBLEPOST] THIS!!
I'm more or less happy with my new one. (I study physics) All these are lectures bar the tutorials, labs and programming. Mondays Maths Maths (again, 2 seperate maths lectures) Tuesdays Optics Fields Tutorial Wednesdays Pointless Maths tutorial Thursdays Optics Properties of Matter Space Science (Currently Cosmology) Programming (Long day) Fridays Labs (all day)
College Algebra (Mon, Wed & Fri 8-8:50) World History (Mon, Wed & Fri 12-12:50) Writing Intensive (Mon & Wed 2-3:15) Intro to Music (Tues & Thurs 9:30-10:15) Environmental Biology (Tues & Thurs 5-6:15) Business Foundations (Tues 2-3:15) i don't like it all. if i had it my way, all of my classes would start after 10