This MAY just be the sig that pulls me from my slump. Please, please, please tell me if it's true...o.o *Give proper cnc or go impale yourself with a starched polo shirt*
This is really good. Lots of pretty colors, but the flower is like woah. That's the only thing that annoys me about this sig. Great job though. 8/10
Thank god someone replied!!! DX Thanks xigbar. Though I'd have to say that without the flower the sig would seem rather empty.
Thats true. With out the flower...the sig would be well...Sorta blank :\ I like how the different colors blend in this sig, it gives it a nice warm feel to it. 8.5/10
Dude, I just love your style.>.< It is very unique, and it seems to have that creative feeling. This is different from other sigs I may say so myself. I like how you decided to make one side bright, and the other side dark, but it may look better if you added both light. It would make the flower look better. 9/10
I really like it. It's all colorful and swirly. Although the flower is the only thing that bugs me. I like it but maybe you could've done something else to it that'd still make it nice looking but not all choppy on the edges like you used a magic eraser and accidently sneezed hard xD. Overall 9.5/10 I has spoken ( ´_ゝ`)
Woah Cin, good job, the effects and all are nice, with you could make the flower a little smaller, anyways it´s a 9.5/10
Funny you get all these replies. My last topic was dead with no replies =\ Well, it's nice. Your style is usual. Well...sorry to say, you could do a bit better to get out of your slump. Feels like you just slid right through it. The left side of the flower is choppy. The stock itself is more visible and more darker. It's really hard to move it into a light type of feel. Add a little more depth though dude. It seems all bumpy. The focal point of the sig is what probably wonders me though. Why pick the face? If I were to do a sig with this, I would've moved the render a little more up. The face isn't always a good focal point, because it usually looks like a floating head Lawl. The bottom patterns are not needed. They don't seem that nice. A little more gradient can do. And some more depth brushes dude. You seem to lack those nowadays, I used to love that look on your older sigs. Text needs a bit of a work too. Well overall a bit more too detailed, leading you to many problems, no offense. But in all, it's good but can be better dude. I expect your sigs to be epic, this wasn't my idea Lawl. If I am wrong, feel free to correct meh.