You are complete and whole. ~Smudge Spam~ And yes... I KNOW he's not a real man but it fit in contrast to Roxas and stoof So I tried to smudge... I think I did a crappy job... Do what you all do best. I can take it.
Honestly, I don't think it's the best picture in the world. The smudging actually hurts my eyes. Plus, the background and Sora almost seem to clash while it's smudged.
I like it~ The only problem I see isn't really with the smudging, but the little stars surrounding Sora. They just look.... odd to me. But I really like the color of the background, and I don't think the smudging is that bad. Very great job and I can't wait to see what else you got babycakes my good friend~! ^.^
Honestly, I know it sucks and I know that the smudging hurts some eyeballs it hurt me a bit just to upload it but I just wanted some advice on how I could improve it a bit...
The colours don't really fit together and the stock is waaay too blurry. The colour of the text doesn't really fit in either.
I like the text and the colours... Its just the smudging :O Maybe go easy on it next time? xD But its nice overall
The stock seems too blurry, change it next time? The colours don't really seem too fit aswell; try to decide on a colour scheme next time? I know smudging isn't your strongest point and I'm guessing it's your first time trying? If so, good job. Overall though; It doesn't really seem to work in my opinion but you did a much, much better job then I could ever do D: Well done
The text and colors are fine to me.The only thing that disturbs in is the sora pic,I don't know why.If you hadn't smudged sora at all the pic would be alot better. (My opinion)
Hmm... Instead of using the green i suggest you use this technique. - Copy your stock/render until it fills the entire layer. - Add a filter effect (Filter, Display, Ocean Ripple) - Now start to smudge using the following brush settings - Remember to add flow when smudging.
Thanks for the advice, but two things. I use GIMP and as far as I can see it doesn't have any filter effects. And the link doesn't work. It leads me to a blank page.
Personally I think you should take the smudging out of the picture. I also think you should darken the background. Other than that it looks fine. But that's just my personal tastes.