I am almost never attracted to women. And then when I am, they usually turn out to be morons. And then the few times I actually find a girl that is both attractive and has a brain in her freaking head, it doesn't matter because I'm not attractive or interesting enough for her to like me back. It's pathetic. I'm so tired of this. It's so pointless. I'm sorry, I know none of you care, but I need to rant. I'm actually feeling depressed. This is just so pointless. There's not any point in trying.
You're not any of those things. You mustn't look so down on yourself like that. Maybe those girls may not like you but it shouldn't stop you from trying. It's not always easy to find someone that you like in such a way and likes you in return. But that shouldn't make you loose hope. You can't just think badly of yourself because some blind girl doesn't see how nice and fun you are. =^^= Cheer up, Brother. You'll be just find. Don't let it all go to your head. You'll find someone. <3
Life isn't all about relationships as I discovered, but I know the pain. :3 Only visa versa. All you gotta do is pick yourself back up and keep moving forward and try not to look back. As everyone else has told me, there's always a someone for anyone. Even though it doesn't seem like there will ever be any light at the end of the tunnel. *Gives head noogie* And not true, people care about you. *points to previous posts* See?
Well this makes me feel good about being a woman. :L Boys can be just as bad. But really, would it mean anything when you get to that really good relationship if you hadn't had to go through bad ones/rejections beforehand? We need darkness to appreciate the light & all.
Good thing I don't care about liking a girl, or being liked by one Still, maybe you'll get lucky and one will fall from the sky Did it work?
Basically this ^^^^^ Get Back up, Never Stop trying, If life is being a betch, Refuse to take its Sheet!