This Is So Epic!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Radiusro, Apr 26, 2008.

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  1. Radiusro Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 21, 2007
    City 17
    Magnum13 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:35 AM

    c'mon, he's only 8 years old and has no family, so he follows sonic around cuz he's like a big brother. In the old show sonic even called him lil' bro. And his new voice actor/or actress (i can't tell) does his new voice (badly) because he/she will work for less money

    Shadowfox118 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:42 AM

    XP if people wanna call him gay let them. You can't stop them. Your acting like a crazed homophobe

    Magnum13 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:45 AM

    whatever. homosexuallity is just nasty. And he's an effin' VIDEO GAME CHARACTER! THEY DON'T MAKE GAY VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS, ESPECIALLY NOT BACK IN 1992!

    silamy @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:45 AM

    Are you kidding XD

    Tails has a Family!!on the comic "Sonic the hedgehog"
    And I already told you that I don't really mean Tails is Gay

    choask1699 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:45 AM

    Lol gay

    Shadowfox118 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:50 AM

    Homosexuality is not nasty! People can not help it that their born gay/lesbian/ or bi! They were born that way and can not change how they are!

    lor @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:50 AM

    You're right.
    You're gay!

    Magnum13 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:55 AM

    people aren't born with sexual orientations, I would know, i study pstchology

    Shadowfox118 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 11:59 AM

    Ugh. That's what's wrong with the world. Stupid homophodes like you who can't accept people for who they ****in' are!

    it don't mean Anything, people don't just choose to be gay!

    (Edited on April 26, 2008, 12:00 pm)

    Jay @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:01 PM

    "homosexuallity is just nasty."

    what the **** is wrong with you? I know tons of gay people, how is that wrong if they chose to like somebody of the same sex? Tails is very much gay. and you cant take a joke.

    Really, why the **** are you still here if you disagree with everythig everyone ****ing says?

    Magnum13 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:02 PM

    i'm here to draw you little ******s!

    Jay @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:05 PM

    pfffft calling me a ******, but yo uwon't call Tails gay? really now. if you were here to 'draw all us little ******s' then you wouldn't be drawing Tails disagreeing with everything, now would you? X)

    Shadowfox118 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:05 PM

    If you can call that drawing >.>

    Fluffy @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:08 PM

    I know Tails is happy you immature little homophobe.

    cursedmoonlight @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:12 PM

    Guys, this is a getting to be a stupid arguement. I respect people for what they think. Magnum, your opinion isn't everyone else's. So, some people see Tails as gay. Others may not. Is there a problem there? I don't see one. So WHAT they like different things. It's life. And you don't need to flame because of it. I personally don't think Tails is gay, but I'm not going around flaming Becky because she felt like drawing Tails as a gay or whatever. It's not fair to flame because of beleifs.

    Risuhime @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:19 PM

    Everyone shut the **** up, the whole argument is stupid as Tails is actually a girl. Unless you want to say that Tails is a lesbian, which is also hot.

    Magnum, do humanity a favour and go ride a botulism enema out of our gene pool.

    Matt @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:33 PM
    Wow. There's just so much **** to say. I'll go chronologically, I suppose.

    First of all, meet your new best friend, magnum:

    Second of all, I trust the opinion of a 15 year old taking a high school psychology class far less than the opinion my sister who is about to get her Masters in Psychology from Roosevelt University in a few days. And guess what, she disagrees. You CAN be born gay. Fascinating ****, huh?

    Third of all, homosexuality is not disgusting. Shortsighted, self-aggrandizing bigots are.

    Fourth of all, in regards to "THEY DON'T MAKE GAY VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS," I don't play a lot of video games, and even I can think of examples to prove you wrong. GTA3 comes to mind. You're really strung up on this. My guess is that you want to convince everyone that Tails is straight so you can have him all for yourself, you big gay schemer you.

    Fifth of all, in regards to "i'm here to draw you little ******s!", the purpose of a drawing community isn't just to draw. That's how the word "community" factors in, and the community as a whole considers you an angry little prick who can't take a joke, can't think for himself, and can't draw for ****. Think for a moment and ask yoursel, are these really the people you want to associate with?

    Sixth of all, Tails is a shameless, hopeless, ***-guzzling cock-holster. Deal with it.

    Rob @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:50 PM

    Oh boy not this **** again.

    Magnum13 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:54 PM

    matt, no one likes you, you're more hated than me

    Rob @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:57 PM

    But I like Matt, he's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid anything.

    Risuhime @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:59 PM

    Fagnum13 : I like Matt, and I am more important than you, so you fail again.

    Shadowfox118 @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 1:00 PM

    x3 I think that's the other way around Magnum. Your making it to the most hated list right now

    Matt @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 1:00 PM
    Everyone loves me, Magnum. Just ask around.
    Jay @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 1:13 PM

    I love Matt <3

    Fluffy @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 1:20 PM

    Everyone loves Matt. Face it.

    Reimu-sora @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 1:28 PM

    matt is cool.not you magnum

    Misty Blood @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 1:34 PM

    wow all this because of being gay or not?
    this is a really wierd argument,
    and being gay isn't nasty, there's alot of people who are gay but are still nice and friendly to others,

    and I think matt's pretty cool

    Worenx @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 1:57 PM

    Read Cursedmoonlight, Matt and Misty Blood's comments again, Magnum; they make some good points. Chill out, and take a joke. Seriously, I joke that Sonic is gay, Tails is gay, KNUCKLES is gay, but it's not to be taken seriously. That's what a JOKE is.

    And I dunno what you're talking about Matt being more hated than you. I think Matt's pretty cool--a bit crude in his comments, but cool nonetheless. So far, Magnum, I've only seen reasons to think less of you. =/
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