is asking me for shipping prices for his address in CA via media mail, and then today asks me if I would be able to ship him his item to an address in a city 3 hours away from by, by Wednesday (because he leaves on Thursday) for free. that's putting me in an awkward situation. No buddy, I will not pay for your shipping just for you to be able to get your package in a time sensitive case, go home and wait for it like everyone else, or pay the elevated shipping prices.
Well this certainly put the issue with your father into perspective. And I agree that he should pay the extra not you after all he is the one who needs it there by Wednesday not you.
This isn't the same guy, but yeah. Besides, I'm not even sure it could be there by Wednesday, since today is Sunday and unless I'm mistaken it wouldn't ship out till tomorrow morning.
Unless it was hand delivered I believe you are right but I am not sure if that is the case. You would have to ask someone who actually works in a post office for a correct answer.