is so tedious, yet I have so much I could write for a single answer, I have to limit myself or else I'll end up taking longer than I want to take on something I don't care about yet know a lot about. For example, part of the first question is "In what ways do interest groups and lobbyists positively influence American politics and democracy? In what ways do they hinder or harm? Are there any aspects of interest groups and lobbying you would change, and how would you do so? If you wouldn't change anything explain why" I mean holy **** I could write pages for each part of that, yet I'm supposed to condense this to half a page, but because I don't want to take too long I have to condense it even more? whatever, might as well start. o my god somebody stop me, this next question is "Please explain the agenda setting role of the media, and particularly the role of the so called policy entrepreneurs."