One of my friends just woke me up to tell me he had no work and was coming over, interrupting me sleep. ... *Locks door and goes back to sleep* Goodnight guys c:
Well, if your friends are coming over I should probably leave, but I'll be back later to stalk you if that's alright.
Alright, he's left now *slept the four hours he was here, didn't even say hi* See people, I hang out with friends! I'm sorry, I just wanted me sleep y'know? :c Aw Ienzo, of course it'll be alright for you to come back, my window is always open for you :]
But I'm only twelve, this is child labor! D: ... Alright I know the whip is coming, so I'm gonna go to your work now then I suppose :'c
The greatest day of Jason Todd's life was his first day as the second Robin. And that didn't end very well.
I hope that you stay around. I welcome new faces, especially old faces that are new to me. Wait, what? What am I missing here? Recap for me. In spoilers, if you will.
I'm a very big superhero geek, if you don't know. I don't miss a chance to reference comics when I can. Something most people don't know is that many people have donned the same costume and superhero alias, especially for the more popular heroes. Batman is currently on his fifth Robin Spoiler (and that Batman isn't even Bruce Wayne) The first one was Richard "Dick" Grayson Spoiler , child of acrobats. His parents were murdered. After several years, Dick took on the persona Nightwing and left Robin behind. Jason Todd was the second one. Spoiler A street orphan who tried to steal the wheels off the Batmobile. To keep him away from the "criminal element," Batman made him the second Robin. Unfortunately, Jason was a very rage-filled boy. Batman made him take a break from being Robin. The orphan found his birth mother in Africa, but was killed by the Joker. Timothy Drake (a.k.a. THE BEST ROBIN EVER) was the third. Spoiler An intelligent boy who deduced Batman's and the first Robin's secret identities as a child. After the death of the second Robin, Batman became very careless. Drake tracked down Nightwing and convinced him to help persuade Batman that he needs a sidekick and became the third Robin. When his dad found out, he made stop being Robin and live a safer life. His love interest took the mantle after until his father allowed him to pick it back up. Stephanie Brown was a villain's daughter. Spoiler To spoil his plans (her dad was Cluemaster), she became Spoiler. When Tim Drake could not longer be Robin, she became Robin, the Girl Wonder. For not following orders, Batman fired her. She's currently Batgirl. Damian Wayne Spoiler is Bruce Wayne's genetic son after being "raped" by Talia Al Ghul. She genetically engineered Damien to grow in an artificial womb. After Bruce Wayne's "death," Dick Grayson took the mantle of Batman with Damien as his Robin. Timothy Drake was eventually allowed to become Robin again, but gave the title to Damien and assumed the role of Red Robin (yuuuummmm). Anyway, to see the true tragedy of Jason Todd (as it doesn't get interesting until AFTER his death), you should see Batman: Under the Red Hood.
To be honest, I haven't read many either. I just don't know where to start. But I do have The Killing Joke (my first comic), Batman: Year One, and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. A have a few others, but those are my only Batman ones (except for my DC Universe Online Legends series)
Have you read V For Vendetta yet? It is my favorite comic by far, and it holds the spot for my favorite work among at times. So great piece. You must not pass up; truly.
I haven't. I saw it at the bookstore, actually. Is it really that good? That was some dark stuff, man.