Currently in skype there is a link to the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. I've heard the Smile Song and enjoyed it, and i'm contemplating clicking this link. Once i click it, i may never be the same. The jaws of bronyness may have me forever. Goodbye my friends, i knew thee well.
What is with all the My Little Pony love on this site? I have never seen all this affection for it before. I have to admit, though, the Smile Song was pretty good. She's got some pipes.
I was in your shoes months ago. All I heard was the theme song, which drove me insane, and I had to watch "Hellfire" from the Hunchback of Notre Dame in 1080p (no less) three times just to get my sanity back. But I didn't give up on the show, gave it a try, and now it's one of my all-time favorite shows. You'll either like it, or you won't. It can't hurt to give it a try. Read my reply above.
WE ARE THE HERD. LOWER YOUR HATE. YOUR LOVE AND TOLERANCE WILL BE ADDED TO OUR OWN. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. Joking aside, I have to agree with axel93. You'll either love the show or not. I began watching it out of curiousity after seeing several members (a few I knew even) having MLP:FIM related sig or avatars and watched it to see what the big deal was. And here I am.
I'm not really sure which is worse All the crazed Dr Who fans or The My Little Pony fans. I just had a thought, what if the my little pony fans fought to the death with the Dr Who fans for control of the site.........
No, you might be possibly be torn between the two if really came down to it. Then all the questions of which do love more come involved and it just doesn't get pretty. Feels get hurt and what nots.
Internal conflict is the least awesome form of conflict. There's no explosions unless you succumb to spontaneous cranial implosion disorder. Which I would pay ridiculous amounts of money to see.
I don't see how two fans of differnt shows or fans of both would end up fighting. Besides, I've talked to a lot of people from both fandoms who are really nice people. You... want to see my head explode?
Anyone's head really. It doesn't have to be yours. But first they must have spontaneous cranial smoking disorder, then spontaneous cranial combustion disorder, then spontaneous cranial detonation disorder, then spontaneous cranial implosion disorder. Then I will have a brain-star. Or a brain-black hole. Either one.
It's a bit ridiculous. But it's good fun. So I wish people who didn't like it didn't find it necessary to mock it, and those who watch it. It's kind of insecure of them.