for like the past 2 or 3 weeks there is this bird that keeps ramming into our front window, its funny and kinda scary when your trying to go to sleep. Then, I saw the bird yesterday and now I feel kinda bad for it because its beak is bent sideways...
Different bird each time a possibility? I mean, it kinda seems that any animal of any level of intelligence would think, "HEY, THIS CAUSES ME MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PAIN, I SHOULD STOP DOING IT."
I thought that too, but its the same exact bird each time, because the bird has a little piece of plastic around its foot and a bent beck... every... single.... time...
Well where do you live? Maybe the birds are being tagged for some reason. I refuse to believe that this could be the same bird.
Pattern behavior. They see their reflection in the glass and think, "Oh look, there's another bird like me, I'll go fly with it because we're probably going to the same place."