1. If you face the Emperor with Squall (not sure about other characters) you can actually stop the Emperor's blue fireballs if you attack them and send them back at the Emperor (which can cause instant kills) 2. Cloud can block Jecht's bravery attacks without falling back. Jecht cannot block Jecht's attacks without falling back. 3. Chaos will use Utter Chaos after using it once, and continue to do so 5 more times. (This has happened to me) 4. Exdeath ('nuff said) 5. Many characters have attacks that go through walls. The computer player does not know this. Friends who I play against do not know this. feel free to add
1. Emperor mirrors are funnier than Smash Bros. 2. You can infinite Chaos with the wall rush from Terra's ice projectile. His AI won't let him out of it; he's programmed to attack straight out of wall rush. (You can also use this to predict a hit if you wall rush him with another character; 9 times out of 10, if you block right when he's recovering, he'll claw swipe and you can get a free hit in.) 3. The CPU doesn't know how to handle Omni Dash. At all. If you have it, you win. Especially against Golbez. 4. Exdeath. That is all.
1. if charging EX as gabranth and fall off a platform while still charging, the AI simply jumps and attacks thinking your still on land