well i have an amazing girlfriend, but because ive been so busy, i can hardly talk to her anymore, and i feel bad im hopefully getting a job, but that means i wont be able to talk to her for even less and then there's all these bloody drama's with my friends I just dont know what to do...
Aw. I'd be able to help you better if you could say what happened? But I'm sure your girlfriend will understand what's going on with you. :3
Your problem is that you have many things you want to do, and you do not have enough time to do them all. You need to prioritise the things that are important to you. If a job is more important, then explain to your girlfriend that you are unable to talk for as long. If you value your girlfriend more, then you make sure that you leave time for her. What ultimately happens though is your choice. What I would do in your situation is either set time aside specifically for talking to your girlfriend, or if that's not possible, eat into the time you'd spend asleep. Friday night and Saturday night are both times you can stay awake and sleep in the morning instead. You can shave a few hours off your usual bedtime and just bear being a little more tired. You can also stay up later and sleep in later, getting a few hours there. Before you know it, you have five hours for two nights a week free. Whatever you do, you will need to sacrifice something, be it your sleep, your job or your girlfriend, in order to have enough time to do the rest. Making that sacrifice is unavoidable if you've got too much to do and too little time. The trick is trying to figure out how to cut the fat, and avoid cutting the muscle. EDIT: As for friend drama: No problem has been established. More information is required.
well i dont want to sacrifice my job or my girlfriend, and so i guess ill just miss out on sleep that'd be easy with the friend thing, there's so much sh*t goin on i dont know where to start, but the very recent one, was last night, where my ex (her name is Kay-cee) showed up where me and my friends go friday nights, and the only reason she showed up was to bash my friend (her name is sarah), so we had to walk sarah home, to make sure she didnt get jumped and bashed, and lots of fights happen between outsiders and the people in my group, it just gets really frustrating (i probably shouldnt have used names, but it wont hurt none)
I'd choose to lose sleep as well. But be careful not to overdo it. It won't work if you often do strenuous activities, such as sport, as they wear you out. You also need to make sure to get enough sleep other nights, or else you'll start sleeping on the job. But if you're careful, it's fully possible. There's no blanket solution for every drama. You need to handle each one on its own, with a rational head. So in that scenario, find out what Kay-cee's motivation is, and try to resolve that beforehand through talking. If she persists, then telling an adult (possibly her parents) might be the best solution. Depending on how old she is, and how serious she is, you could involve the police as well. After all, the police don't look kindly on assault, which is what she is doing. Avoiding your usual hangout would also work.
yea i know wat you mean well Kay-cee is 16, and me and my friends usual hangout is actually youth group (a christian group for teens) so its kinda hard, although she better not come back otherwise its not gonna be good
May I refer to her as KC? Well, regarding this problem with your ex, yeah, you need to find out what she wants. If it's just some "I need your attention RIGHT NOW", thing, just ignore her. Tell your friend that she shouldn't mind her, either. Turn a deaf ear. If it's really just this strong dislike for her, then...that's her problem. Why bother with someone who does something for not much of a logical reason? Sorry if I offended you; I'm not sure if you still like your ex in some way, but I assume no...*sidewards smile*
I agree with Sufris, if it's attention seeking she's doing then make sure she's not satisfied so will give up and leave. I think it's noble of you to worry about your time and not seeing your girlfriend. I just want to say I've been through this exact thing, except I was on the receiving end of this and my boyfriend broke up with me since he valued his job more then me. I can understand why he did it, but that was a year ago and I'm still finding it hard to forgive him. I'm not sure this helps I just wanted to say it, probably so I can prevent it happening from anyone else. Sleep would be the easiest thing to miss out on but be weary of making yourself ill with so much stress and so little sleep. Get a good balance, otherwise you may end up taking it out on the people closest to you.
Hey, you don't have to worry about me. I get it, work comes first, it's a good moral and even the job I have (though I don't even get paid...religious crap) comes first for me. I digress. Though cause of the timezones I thankfully have the time to get it done to talk. I understand we won't have a lot of time to talk. :) I'm not goin' anywhere. I agree with everyone else, Kay-cee obviously has a problem and you should find out what it is. Then proceed from there. You ever wanna talk, you can talk to me.
Hey man, you have a lot of people supporting you. Or at the very least, care enough to read and reply. Everything will be fine, don't worry. There are dark times and bright times, all that matters is how you handle it. How long you hold on. :3
thanks man, and thank you everyone else (especially you Chelsea) i think i can get through this now :)