My OCs Pheonix and Bareri. And yes I know that I f*cked up the shading and colouring a bit :/
Well letsee here... well it will help if you lightly drew the heads before adding hair, because with out the hair, they would look like coneheads (wiki it up if you dont know what it is) you hands are also pretty good, but they look a bit shapeless and the dudes arm seems to comes up a bit short hopefully that helped a bit
I actually drew the Pheonix's arm short on purpose because I wanted to try a shading technique to help it look like his arm was facing the viewer (if you know what I mean) but the bloody watercolours I had wouldn't blend together properly enough and it stuffed up. Also, I did draw the heads before adding the hair, its the first thing I draw when I draw people. Thanks for the advice though, I really appreciate it. I don't get much critique for my drawing so this is refreshing for me.
Oh ok xD that is good, trying to do stuff your not used to doing, even though i still suggest you should change the head shape