That's taken me as long as it did to reach the capital of Archadia just now in FF12 Salikawoods made up for the length tho (as did all the loot)
I remember grinding a lot in the Tchita Uplands because I couldn't beat those annoying Mandragoras in the Sochen Cave Palace. Those things were so annoying. :c
All I remember last playing that game was grinding for 3 hours, getting up about 12 levels, having no trouble at all, and all of a sudden I go in that stupid cave where that ghost boss is, and I end up failing every single time. Difficulty curve was ridiculous, and I just sold the game again. I just can't get myself to enjoy that one.
Eh, waste of precious MP in my opinion. I think I've gone through the whole game without using a quickening. If they didn't increase your MP, I probably wouldn't have even unlocked them.
Are you kidding me? Undead bosses are the least difficult out of them all. As long as most of your party members have Cure abilities, they're just downright easy. Did you try setting up whoever was your White Mage with Enemy: undead > Curaga? Ah, you must have been playing the original. The Zodiac Job System version (which has a really good English patch, by the way!) is much more balanced in that department, mainly because Mist uses its own meter.
It took me so damn long because I was too busy doing bounties. That bounty board has to be one of my all time favorite things to do in a video game.