My family has a nice little habit of ganging up on me. No matter what happens, it's my fault. Before we leave to go to our respective places every morning we usually do a few jobs, I always do mine, yet I'm the one who gets all the blame. Something breaks, it's me. Something goes missing, "Catherine did it!" Me and my little brother leave the house about the same time every school morning, it takes me an hour to get to University directly, my little brother has at least two other buses he can catch. My older brother usually leaves about two hours after us. I get back from University at least two hours after he does. I get home, tired from the bus ride, my welcome is screaming as to why I didn't do somebody else's job. I explain that it wasn't mine, yet they continue. Even when I prove it wasn't me, they still go at it. Something is broken, well even if I prove I wasn't even in the house at the time, still me. They don't even understand logic. I've asked them why they haven't shouted at the person, they say they do, but they never have. My little brother is a lazy thirteen year old brat but he is treated like a god. They ask me, why have I gone bitter, they don't believe my answers are good enough for them, because it's usually my fault! I've decided to move out onto campus when I turn eighteen, by that time, I'll be able to afford it. Only my mum doesn't know. My brother's think I'll just screw up there like I've apparently done here. I have no clue what to do anymore. I've still got about four months until my eighteenth, but I have to wait until I get accepted onto campus, which will probably be in February. I have to go to work which I'm also getting abused in by a few people until I move onto campus. Maybe I should just stop talking and act like a ghost, so they don't notice me.
Story of my life. I know how it feels trust me, been there. The only thing you can do is patience, sooner or later you'll get out of this. Moving to campus is the best of ideas and seriously do it! I couldn't do it because of stupid limitations/restrictions that do not allow to everyone to move into the students house. And no, don't fade into the background. Trust me you will regret it. Stay as you you are, have patience and lot of courage and you will eventually make it.
I feel ya sister trust me it's hard I got the same life style,except for me it's hard being the oldest with little brothers that are only 9 and 11. My advice is live threw it your almost done your about to live your own life in a real world with real jobs that you will still get fussed at for. They might just be preparing you. You will always have people in your life that annoy you bother you or yell at you just gotta stay strong good luck bud:)
Oh wow, are you me? Trust me, a lot of people go through this. You're just luck you can even go live on campus. I'll never be able to afford it. I'd say try as hard as you can to be out of the house as much as possible. Join a study group at Uni, maybe?