The Z Team

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Daenerys Targaryen, Aug 3, 2009.

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  1. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Summary of The Z Team:The Z Team is a special force that travels through time and space.
    They are called The Z Team because everyone on the force has either a Z in their (username) name or nickname.
    The Z Team's goals and objectives remain uncertain at first,but hopefully the members of The Z Team will be able to uncover their true feelings and most importantly,their past.

    This RPG will have violence,humor,romance;etc.
    But keep it PG-13.
    I don't want sex scenes or blood and guts everywhere.
    If a member of The Z Team doesn't follow the rules or respect other members/players; they can be kicked off the force.
    Another member will not take their place,given these are all custom characters.
    Some important rules to follow;although they are much similar to any other RPG,and the site's rules themselves.

    1.Treat other members with respect and if you are going to bash them about something,it must be in character.
    If you are gonna write something out of character then put it into the
    OCC format.

    2.Profanity is allowed,although if used too much;it becomes rather annoying.
    Keep it to the bare minimum people.
    Remember this forum censors words,so if your post is filled with theses "*"
    Most of the time people can't understand your point.

    3. No god modding or controlling other people's characters.You are limited to 3 characters per person.

    4.YOU MUST let me know if you are leaving the RPG,and let me know if you wanna be part of the RPG.
    via PM,VM or MSN.
    Do not write in the thread if you are leaving.


    5.If you left and you need a recap,do not post in this thread asking what happened,ask another member of the Z Team to explain the situation for you.

    6.Although this isn't in the extended roleplaying section,please give at least
    2-3 sentences or more;other people need to work off of your posts.
    Gain some creativity :3

    7.Please try to spell and use correct grammar.
    Try your best to write in the correct format.

    8.No making a character invinsible.
    And absolutely no killing another character.
    You may kill your own character to leave RPG,but
    do not kill someone else's.

    9.Oh and have fun!
    Do your best and be lucky you are part of the Z Team!

    People who want to join the Z Team;
    If you wish to join the Z Team you must meet a few requirements.
    -Member for at least 2 months and at least 10 rep points.(Wanna make sure to keep trolls out of the Z Team)
    -Z in username,nickname,real name.(You may make up a name or nickname also)
    -Willing to be part of the Z Team.
    -MUST contact myself,timexhasxgone or Zeonark via PM,VM or MSN
    If your application is not accepted for Z Team,do not pester other members or the founders of the Z Team.

    If you wish to join The Z Team;you may use this format:
    Description:Brown hair,green eyes,skinny;average in height.
    Personality:Laid back,but hyperactive when on the job.
    Always puts friendship first,although sarcastic and a bit rough around the edges.Most times hard to read,and extremely hard to impress;a bit sensitive,mostly tough to prove a point.
    Wants to hold on the the past,although looking to the future.
    Never says things without thinking,always ready and prepared;although messy with resources,always sticks to the plans.

    Thank you <3

    Description:Long jet black straight hair, dark brown eyes/gray contacts (xD), 5ft4, and somewhere between skinny and fat.
    Personality: Strange, calm, friendly, never keeps a grudge, introverted around large groups, and she has the tendencies of doing things without thinking them through. She's mostly a good person.

    Question Mark
    Name: Zoft
    Gender: male
    Species: human
    Age: 15
    Description: green spikey hair; dark-blue eyes that are almost always half-closed unless he's either startled, farinaceous or when something catches his interest; sometimes even has his left eye closed for totally unexplored reason.
    Personality: extremely relaxed but not too lazy, though not much intertests him, only his own purposes and needs. He dislikes fighting, so he rather avoids any sense of voilence as much as possible.

    Name: Zahara
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Age: 14
    Description: Caramel hair, brown eyes (green/blue contacts), athletic build/slim; slight bit taller than average.
    Personality: Loyal, passionate, clever, daring, quiet, interesting, hardworker when she wants to be, friendly but sometimes wierd at times :'D

    Description:Red hair, a long fringe sweeping across foreead and spiking out sideways from her thick black glasses. Back combed at the back of her head, making a liberty-spike type effect.
    Wears previously mentioned thick rimmed glasses, with DKNY written in a script in an orange colour on both arms. She has a cheeky smile, and a set of blue eyes - but are mostly hidden by her glasses and hair.
    Her figure is not skinny, but more curvacious, and tends to wear darker clothes to help intensify the colour of her hair.
    Personality: Insanely sadistic outlook/sense of humour, has inner demons, and melicious thoughts on others. She loves to make people laugh, but also loves a good argument.
    She is easy to give into her temper, and is a rather foul mouthed person.
    She is sarcastic, witty, and patronizing, too.

    Name: Zazabi
    Gender: male
    Species: Elicoorian (home planet: Elicoor II)
    Description: Human looking, grey short untidy hair, blue eyes, pale skin, 5’10â€, tends to wear a military uniform from his home planet which is red and black and resembles a space age military suit (from something like Andromedia)
    Personality: Quiet most of the time unless needed. When on the job he is highly focused. Follows a strange honour code.

    Name: Zeonark
    Z Name: Zeozy/Zeo
    Gender: Male
    Species: Z Human
    Age: 16
    Description: He wears a black vest-like jacket with a red undershirt. The Red shirt has a painted "Z" on it, while the jacket has "ZZZ" on the back. He has black hair in a Zexion-like style covering his left eye. His eye color is cyan. He also wear blue jeans and black shoes, adding black gloves to match.
    Personality: Idiotic. Basically. He's cocky usually all the time around anyone, he won't hesitate to forget about his problems for others. Although, he will become serious when his past is mentioned, deep down he's utterly chained to it.
    Others: "I have liek, super special awesome Z powers, fear the power of letters!"

    Name: Jayn
    Gender: Female
    Description:About 5'7, slender. She has brilliant bright brown eyes that appear golden in sunlight. Her hair is dark with rouge streaks, flowing past her shoulders and ending right above her waist. Her complexion is a light caramel color, her cheeks flushed a dark natural red.
    Personality: She's very calm and quiet, keeping mainly to herself but speaking up when she feels it must be done. She doesn't like to see people mistreated and stands up for them if she feels they can't defend themselves. She has a temper, though she forgives easily. She can be unpredictable and random at times.

    Name: Zene

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Age: 14

    Description: Zene has brown hair, hazel eyes, glasses, caucasian/white skin, a crooked smile, and sharp teeth. He is pretty skinny, and is a little taller than other kids his age.

    Personality: Zene is quite unpredictable. Most of the time, He's the sarcastic, fun loving guy he was raised as. He can be a bit antiscocial sometimes, but is extremyle loyal in the long run. He enjoyes a good challenge, and see's everything as a game
  2. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    I got dibs on the role of me.
  3. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
  4. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    I'd like to join this. So...I make a profile now?
  5. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Yes. :3
  6. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    Name: Auztin
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Age: 15
    Description: Thick brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, and very tall.
    Personality: Keeps to himself, but has a soft spot for those who truely care for him. Has a strong sense of justice and seeks nothing but the best in life.
  7. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Description:Long jet black straight hair, dark brown eyes/gray contacts (xD), 5ft4, and somewhere between skinny and fat.
    Personality: Strange, calm, friendly, never keeps a grudge, introverted around large groups, and she has the tendencies of doing things without thinking them through. She's mostly a good person.
  8. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Name: Zoft
    Gender: male
    Species: human
    Age: 15
    Description: green spikey hair; dark-blue eyes that are almost always half-closed unless he's either startled, farinaceous or when something catches his interest; sometimes even has his left eye closed for totally unexplored reason.
    Personality: extremely relaxed but not too lazy, though not much intertests him, only his own purposes and needs. He dislikes fighting, so he rather avoids any sense of voilence as much as possible.
  9. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue &lt;3.
    I can join right? xD

    Name: Zahara
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Age: 14
    Description: Caramel hair, brown eyes (green/blue contacts), athletic build/slim; slight bit taller than average.
    Personality: Loyal, passionate, clever, daring, quiet, interesting, hardworker when she wants to be, friendly but sometimes wierd at times :'D
  10. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    Description:Red hair, a long fringe sweeping across foreead and spiking out sideways from her thick black glasses. Back combed at the back of her head, making a liberty-spike type effect.
    Wears previously mentioned thick rimmed glasses, with DKNY written in a script in an orange colour on both arms. She has a cheeky smile, and a set of blue eyes - but are mostly hidden by her glasses and hair.
    Her figure is not skinny, but more curvacious, and tends to wear darker clothes to help intensify the colour of her hair.
    Personality: Insanely sadistic outlook/sense of humour, has inner demons, and melicious thoughts on others. She loves to make people laugh, but also loves a good argument.
    She is easy to give into her temper, and is a rather foul mouthed person.
    She is sarcastic, witty, and patronizing, too.

  11. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    OCC:Alright,from this point forward;send me the applications and form via PM.
    I'll start the role play for now,and I'll introduce characters as I go on.

    Halezy walked past the dark city that was known only to a special few people.People who should be honored enough to be on the Z Team;many people know of them,although less and less people are fond of them everyday.
    Although they try their best to save the world,sometimes it doesn't seem to work;and since they can switch demensions,some would even say they abuse their powers.

    There are also cliches in the group.
    Making it hard to work together.
    Example;Emzy,Halezy and Zahara.
    They rarely bother with anyone outside of work.
    Although you could say that work is a way of life for them.

    Spaze and Zoft are more for the "future" of the world.
    This is another cliche in the Z Team.
    Unlike the other members,they are happy about accepting new members,and don't hold their past as a reason to hate on "the new guy".
    You could call it optimistic,they refer to say "the good of the team".

    Halezy made her way to a dark corner,her face covered by a hood.
    Emerging from the dark,appeared Emzy and Spaze.
    "Anything on the new plans and members of the Z Team?"She almost whispered.
    Waiting for an answer,she coughed and looked around,hoping nobody was in earshot.
    Then before they spoke,added; "Heard we are accepting a member called Zazabi,he's the first alien on our squad."
    Then chuckled a bit,"I hope he is good for the team,unlike past new members;We've had to kick off the squad."
  12. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Zoft sat on a large brench of a tree, reading something that looked like a comic book. While he read, he was thinking...

    Mmmh... I've heard about this... 'Zazabi' being an alien kind...

    He finished his page and closed his comic. He closed his left eye as he looked up the sky.

    Hm. My first encounter with an alien boy... I wonder if it's a nice guy...
  13. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    Emzy looked at the girl approaching them, and had an inner sigh. She still seemed nervous, although being on this damn force for years of her life. Poor kid. Hah. Kid. She should not refer to Halezy as that, as they were coincidentally the same age...
    Either way, the crimson haired girl still saw her as a little younger, despite the numeral age or their bodies.
    Bringing up both of her hands to the back of her head, the girl ran her fingers through the gelled-up layers of thick hair. The smooth motion was brought to a sudden halt multiple times, due to the stickiness of hairspray and whatever else she had stuck in there that morning – which could be anything; she was only half awake most mornings and grabbed anything to make her hair stand on end.
    A vast yawn emitted from Emzy’s mouth as she blinked several times behind her glasses. Slowly, she pushed the small bridge of her glasses between the two lenses back up the bridge of her nose, causing her fringe to move up with it.
    “Well...” She sighed, a coating of pure boredom lining her voice. “We have an alien coming onto the team. Could things get any worse? The thing could have eight arms, four eyes and several noses, and we would have to face them every time we meet up.” She rolled her eyes and sighed, her shoulders slumping. “It’s pathetic, the HQ are letting any freak in these days.”
    Realising how loud she was speaking – or rather, ranting – Emzy lowered her voice and looked towards the floor. “This is going to string tension into this team. Hah. As if there hasn’t been enough already.” Shaking her head slightly, she cracked her knuckles and looked back at Halezy with an apologetic smile. “Another rant there. Sorry about that.”
  14. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Spaze shook her lightly to answer Halezy's question. She hadn't tried to find out anything about the plans or new least not yet.

    "No, but an alien member?" she asked, slightly surprised. Who decided to let an alien in? "I hope he isn't gross or anything." Spaze then turned her head to Emzy as she gave her reply. Eight arms? Possible images of the new member started to fill her mind.
  15. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Zoft went and joined the others. "Hey guys. I was just thinking about this alien guy and..." He said, but then he suddenly stopped. His eyes widened, which rarely happens. He waved his arms in front of him as if he's trying to stop something. "gah...! No, not like that...!"

    "There's just something about that Zazabi that makes me think: that would be a good comrade to work with, you get me?"
  16. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    "Oh dear god,I hope not."
    She looked into the eyes of both girls and sighed,"This team is not going to fall apart...Yet.And though I'm not much of the person to be optimistic,I honestly am going to have to see him before we judge.Then we judge.Which is equally fun in a way?"
    She kicked the street below her,the took off her hood;Flattening out her waves with her fingers.
    "I have a sudden urge to speak with some of the other members about this."Then smirked to hint the sarcasm.

    Then turning away from them,putting back up her hood;she walked a short distance away.
    Then stopped and said,"Oh,and Emzy dear...I actually enjoy your rants.Because it is hard to find someone to agree with around here."She hinted to Spaze and smiled.
    "I hope it doesn't have as many eyes and limbs as you guess."Then crossing her arms,"Spaze,darling;would you be able to keep our meetings a secret?"
    She trully loved Spaze,although they didn't always agree on things;and was a bit scared to trust her all and all.

    Not exactly on the same page as some other members here,although they are perfectly nice and normal in everyway.
    Ideas seem to clash.So do beliefs.

    OCC:I love you Spaze xDD
    Just trying to make storyline.

    Halezy turned to look at Zoft and smiled.
    Although he couldn't see her,she was sure he knew that he missed this little meeting and she was content on where things lie.
    "I have mixed feelings at the moment,although,it's the same for anyone new to the squad.Let's hope he can do us some good."
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Zazabi walked closer to the other members of the Z Team. Making his way closer his footsteps became louder as a horrific shadow of a beast appeared up the street. Stepping better into view Zazabi's appearance proved the shadow to be a distortion. His appearance was that of a human male, the only other thing different about him was the pale complexion of his skin and his oddly coloured grey hair.

    Stepping into speaking range he looked at the human members without a word. He didn't know how to greet them and his knowledge of their language was most likely lacking in comparison to what they could use.
  18. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Ooc: XD

    "Yeah, sure. I wasn't going to mention anything about this to other random members anyway." She said to Halezy before glancing over at Zoft. In fact, Spaze barely did talk alot. She would only say anything if spoken to, if something was important or if something happened to catch her attention. She also did enjoy long conversations sometimes. It just depended on the person she talked to.

    Spaze reached inside one of her pants pockets and pulled out a pack of Spearmint gum. While doing so, she felt someone walking up to the group and she stared in their diection.
  19. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    "Mhmmm," she said to Spaze as she gazed over at Zazabi;not knowing who he was at first,but then realizing that;nobody approaches the Z Team out of HQ,he must be either an extremely dumb man or the new guy.
    " are the new addition to our squad?"
    Asking,getting confused looks from the others.
    Aliens don't always look like aliens,of course.
  20. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Zoft looked up to Spaze, saying nothing, only with a look that says: meh. You'll learn ^^
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