The Youth of the Nation

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Saxima, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    OOC thread here.

    You could be fighting against your brothers, your sisters.
    They recruited us, breeded us, raised us, the young people, to kill each other, to work for them, the old timers.
    You could be fighting against your cousins, your friends.
    Where you lived, that's who you fought for. It's the East against the West. A country against itself. A nation in the year 3100 C.E./A.D., a nation that runs on steam. Where airship warfare is the only way to fly and having a bionic arm and a mechanical spider made of gears and metal knick knacks is normal.
    It's the young people of Kalista against the young people of Glandibus, and you are that young person, fighting the war of the old timers.

    Which side will you choose...?



    The year is 3100 CE/AD and tales are told of a country that once existed long ago, a great leading nation by the name of Concordis, but those tales have turned legend and myths. The once great nation is gone, destroyed by brother fighting brother in a civil war, begun in the year 2100 A.D., and has even now yet to end. The two nations that stand in its place today – The West Domain of Glandibus and the East Provinces of Kalista.

    The former west half of Concordis is Glandibus, a dark country led in a Spartan-like manner. If you're tough, you survive. If you pass The Exam at the age of twelve, you survive. The Domain only wants the best and most fit soldiers in their ranks to be led by their tight fist dictator, Dux Fortis. And if you fail The Exam, you're executed. Regardless of being slightly behind of Kalista in technology, Glandibus has some of the best trained soldiers in the world.

    The previous east half of Concordis is Kalista, an opposite of Glandibus in its own right. The dark country is half anarchist where there is no government, and half communist where everything belongs to the little government that actually rules. Though in comparison to Glandibus the nation is somewhat smaller in land mass, it boasts slightly more advance technology, its airship academies being some of the best in the world. But the chances of getting into one of them is slim, unless you have the skills and worthiness.

    Existing in both nations are the rebels, the people who wish to once again live in Concordis and see it up in its former glory. One particular group, a young rebel group known as "The Libertate Pugnantium" or, for short, the LP, has some of the most notorious treasonous teens and young adults known to either country.

    Where did you start? What's your story? How will you shape the future of your nation?


    I allow cussing. All words are allowed, but let them be used SPARINGLY. The only over dos can be “damn” or “hell” and variations on those words.
    Can we try to get an EVEN number of boys and girls? :Awesome:
    As far as Romance goes, the “fade to black” scene is allowed. As are kissies. :3 But for the most part, let's try to keep it between PG-13 and NC-17 please.
    Questions ARE ALLOWED. I'm not going to lynch you, so don't be afraid to ask.
    There's a good chance that I will GODMOD for plot purposes, you might have to do so to if I ask. It is my RP and I do expect some cooperation from you guys.
    I am a GRAMMAR NAZI, I please demand :Awesome: that you use proper grammar; “talking,” thinking.
    I would rather have COLOR CODED characters, if you didn't mind.
    PATIENCE is expected of everyone, if you're waiting for someone to reply, wait a bit longer, if the waiting time is batshit long, then you may just...walk off or continue on.
    Your post must be at least FIVE SENTENCES, a fairly small paragraph.
    This RP is based on the style of STEAMPUNK, so when choosing the appearance of your character, please KEEP THAT IN MIND.
    Once you pick a side, you may only betray ONCE. Pre-RP betraying is allowed in the Bio.
    Can we also try to get an even number of people on each side? I know we all wanna be rebels, but it just can't happen. It's lucky I get first call. :Awesome:
    *Remember, there's a good reason that words are capitalized.​



    It was an early morning during the cool days of mid autumn. For the last few weeks, especially the last couple of days, they had been working tirelessly and without stop to keep fending off the attacks of the soldiers from Glandibus and Kalista, trying to keep their underground community from collapsing, and most of all, trying to keep either side from finding their hideout - or at least their current one, which was the worst one to be at ever because it was right smack in the middle of the border between teh warring nations. For the most part, the LP had been fending off both sides very well, but that was mostly due to the dedication of the fighters and, not to mention, the fact that they had been smuggling technology from Kalista.

    Caprice threw her legs over the edge of her bed at the underground Nonak Inn, one of the few places the Libertate was actually safe for a little while. She yawned and stretched out her arms, wondering how late or early she had waken up today. The timing these days always seemed spread out, waking up early four days in a row, then late another three days - it was really getting annoying, but she supposed she couldn't do anything about it. It was probably because of the defense of the current hideout.

    "Besides, we wanna keep safe, don't we?" she said to herself, getting dressed and putting up her hair, "We have to stay alive if we want to end this ridiculous war," She moved what was left of her white hair out of her face and started out of her room, passing other doors of LP fighters who were probably just waking up too.

    She headed downstairs to the bar, "Hal, could you get me some milk please?" she asked politely.

  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Kim was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. She had woken up accidentally an hour early than she had planned. It was far too early to be up and about, but she couldn't seem to go back to sleep. Thus she ended up being bored out of her mind lying in bed lazily. She tried to remember the reason why she had to wake up a bit earlier than usual anyway, but she couldn't. Was there a mission that I was assigned to do today? She wondered as she furrowed her brow in thought. Sighing, she turned her head to the left to look at her clock. 20 minutes left til 6.
  3. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    OOC: I plan on making an edited drawing/pic of my character to make my posts look a bit better, but all aside:

    Zachary tossed a few cards onto the table. "Poker?" he said to no one in particular. A few of the rebels, including his close friend, Ellie. He smirked. "Alright, everyone. We're in between attacks. That means-" he let his sentence hang in the air for a few seconds, "That we've got to party while we can." The other rebels cheered, and Zach kicked his feet up and dealt the poker chips.

    Boom! The underground base rattled, and the Dead Bones swore and jumped to their feet. Zach swore under his breath and stood up. The commander was shouting orders, sending everyone to their posts. The Glandiban army was on their way. Zach swung his cannon onto his arm and pulled out his sword. He grasped his beer with one hand, and swigged the rest down. He tossed the bottle onto the floor. "Alright!" he cried, "Let's break some skulls."
  4. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    The morning alarm was blaring in her head as Maki groaned and rolled over. She didn't want to go to the early roll call. The prisoners were made to stand for hours while their names were called, and then they were allowed their morrning breakfast, a bowl of oatmeal. Then, they were put to work. She sighed and got out of bed, already wishing for night so she could go back to bed.

    Filing through several reports on his computer, Hisashi smiled cruelly at the man standing in front of the desk, nervously twiddling his thumbs. According to the report, this man (Prisoner #1,987) had refused to work that morning. He turned to the gaurds waiting to escort the prisoner to his next destination. "Take him to the bunks." he said. The prisoner went white. "No, Please!" he said, but it was too late for him. The gaurds yanked him from the room and shut the door behind them so fast that within a single second, Hisashi had almost forgotten that they had been there.
  5. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    must... fight... urge... to mock britshism!!

    and ill post mine when im not busy.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    gabr that should've been posted in the OOC thread.

    Finally it was about 6 and with nothing better to do, Kim got up and hit her alarm clock before it could go off. She stared blankly at the door in front of her for a few seconds before getting up and getting dressed. She slipped on the uniform and finally donned her goggles around her neck. Now properly dressed, she combed her hair and then tied it into her usual low ponytail. Satisfied and ready to begin the day she stepped out of her room and began walking to get breakfast. While traveling to the cafeteria, Kim tried to remember the reason why she was up early. Normally she'd remember something important like this, but for some reason whenever she tried to think if her commander spoke to her or not the memory would fade and grow fuzzy as if her brain had bad reception like a radio does. Well, she could always find her commander and ask him about it. Reaching the cafeteria she grabbed whatever looked good to her and ate, meanwhile asking a few people if they've seen the commander.
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    Caprice finished having the nice breakfast that Hal had given her - it wasn't very often when a morning was peaceful like this, usually there was all the bustling about, trying to layout plans, and figuring out where their next hideout would be. So in comparison to all of that crazy stuff, this was nice. "Thanks Hal," she said with a nod of her head and a small smile, then turned around to see some of the other rebels filling out the room. They were all tired. Such hard workers, she thought with a sigh.

    She should probably let them all wake up at least a little bit before announcing the big plan for the week or...however long it would take. Dangerous missions were always the longest, and this one would be worse because she could only take a few people with her...