The Youth of the Nation [OOC]

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Saxima, Jun 29, 2011.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    RP is here
    [MARQUEE]We are in need of more characters! Especially people of the Kalistian and Glandibian countries![/MARQUEE]

    You could be fighting against your brothers, your sisters.
    They recruited us, breeded us, raised us, the young people, to kill each other, to work for them, the old timers.
    You could be fighting against your cousins, your friends.
    Where you lived, that's who you fought for. It's the East against the West. A country against itself. A nation in the year 3100 C.E./A.D., a nation that runs on steam. Where airship warfare is the only way to fly and having a bionic arm and a mechanical spider made of gears and metal knick knacks is normal.
    It's the young people of Kalista against the young people of Glandibus, and you are that young person, fighting the war of the old timers.

    Which side will you choose...?



    The year is 3100 CE/AD and tales are told of a country that once existed long ago, a great leading nation by the name of Concordis, but those tales have turned legend and myths. The once great nation is gone, destroyed by brother fighting brother in a civil war, begun in the year 2100 A.D., and has even now yet to end. The two nations that stand in its place today – The West Domain of Glandibus and the East Provinces of Kalista.

    The former west half of Concordis is Glandibus, a dark country led in a Spartan-like manner. If you're tough, you survive. If you pass The Exam at the age of twelve, you survive. The Domain only wants the best and most fit soldiers in their ranks to be led by their tight fist dictator, Dux Fortis. And if you fail The Exam, you're executed. Regardless of being slightly behind of Kalista in technology, Glandibus has some of the best trained soldiers in the world.

    The previous east half of Concordis is Kalista, an opposite of Glandibus in its own right. The dark country is half anarchist where there is no government, and half communist where everything belongs to the little government that actually rules. Though in comparison to Glandibus the nation is somewhat smaller in land mass, it boasts slightly more advance technology, its airship academies being some of the best in the world. But the chances of getting into one of them is slim, unless you have the skills and worthiness.

    Existing in both nations are the rebels, the people who wish to once again live in Concordis and see it up in its former glory. One particular group, a young rebel group known as "The Libertate Pugnantium" or, for short, the LP, has some of the most notorious treasonous teens and young adults known to either country.

    Where did you start? What's your story? How will you shape the future of your nation?


    I allow cussing. All words are allowed, but let them be used SPARINGLY. The only over dos can be “damn” or “hell” and variations on those words.
    Can we try to get an EVEN number of boys and girls? :Awesome:
    As far as Romance goes, the “fade to black” scene is allowed. As are kissies. :3 But for the most part, let's try to keep it between PG-13 and NC-17 please.
    Questions ARE ALLOWED. I'm not going to lynch you, so don't be afraid to ask.
    There's a good chance that I will GODMOD for plot purposes, you might have to do so to if I ask. It is my RP and I do expect some cooperation from you guys.
    I am a GRAMMAR NAZI, I please demand :Awesome: that you use proper grammar; “talking,” thinking.
    I would rather have COLOR CODED characters, if you didn't mind.
    PATIENCE is expected of everyone, if you're waiting for someone to reply, wait a bit longer, if the waiting time is batshit long, then you may just...walk off or continue on.
    Your post must be at least FIVE SENTENCES, a fairly small paragraph.
    This RP is based on the style of STEAMPUNK, so when choosing the appearance of your character, please KEEP THAT IN MIND.
    Once you pick a side, you may only betray ONCE. Pre-RP betraying is allowed in the Bio.
    Can we also try to get an even number of people on each side? I know we all wanna be rebels, but it just can't happen. It's lucky I get first call. :Awesome:
    *Remember, there's a good reason that words are capitalized.​

    (!copy and paste this!)
    [color="Yourcolor"]My name is:[/color]
    [color="Yourcolor"]I am also known by my codename: [/color] (if you want one)
    [color="Yourcolor"]Age:[/color] (between 12 and 30)
    [color="Yourcolor"]Nationality: [/color](any nationality)
    [color="Yourcolor"]Allegiance: [/color] (are you a Kalistian? Glandibian? A member of the LP or another rebel faction?)
    [color="Yourcolor"]Bio: (please, details! a short history lesson!!)[/color]
    [color="Yourcolor"]Weapon of choice: (can be anything)[/color]
    [color="Yourcolor"]Anything else I haven't told you:[/color]
    Glandibus -
    Kalista -
    Rebel -

    Username: Saxima
    My name is: Caprice Zaia
    I am also known as my code name: The White Flash Zaia
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Italian
    Appearance: Here.
    Allegiance: Member of the Libertate Pugnantium
    Occupation: Assassin/Spy, free runner
    Personality: At a young age, Caprice learned how to fake her emotions, especially happiness, it wasn't until age ten that her father began to wonder if she was actually happy, or just faking it. Since she was raised by men, she's never been very girly at all, wondering how they could all wear the layers of clothing and the make-up on their faces, carrying around frilly umbrellas all the time. She's always very curious about the world around her, and when trying to solve an issue, she looks at it from all sides – she's wondered why Kalista and Glandibus couldn't set aside all of their differences, but knowing that the two countries were entirely too different, she gave the thought up.
    As for when she has problems, she tends to keep it to herself. During her academy days, she only made a few friends, getting to know those few better, and she found it nicer to have few close friends rather than lots of them and barely knowing any of them.
    Family: Father – Kal Zaia ~ Mother – Abelie Zaia (deceased) ~ Brother – Emilio Zaia
    Bio: Caprice Zaia (often called Cappi by her brother) was born into a small, well-off family near Glandibus. At the age of three, her family's house was destroyed in a firing by the Glandibian army and the only person who didn't escape the fire was her mother, Abelie.
    With no female influence in her life, her brother Emilio and her father Kal turned her into a tomboy. A few years later, Emilio was teaching her combat and how to wield various weapons and over the next four years, By age eleven, she had quickly took an interest in free running and soon found a few older friends that were professional free runners and taught her everything they knew, and this is what she did for three more years.
    At age fourteen, Caprice began to hate the war, not understanding why adults fought each other through the young people. Lying to her dad about joining a Kalistian airman academy, she actually went off to join the LP, and that's where she's been for three years.
    Weapon of choice: Hidden blade, traditional Japanese katana
    Anything else I haven't told you:
    -Plays the violin and piano
    -Is fluent in Russian
    -Has a long spiraling scar up her arm from barbed wire
    -Favorite color is white
    -Favorite food is PB&J

    Username: Britishism
    My name is: Zachary Zen
    I am also known by my codename: Whiskey
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: English
    Appearance: Tall, muscular, and lean. Blond, short-cropped hair. Pale skin. Wears a loose green jacket and a pair of torn jeans.
    Allegiance: A small rebel group in Glandibus called Dead Bones aiming to take control.
    Occupation: Bartender/Assassin
    Personality: Constantly happy, no matter the circumstance. He loves alcohol and food of any sort, and he enjoys fighting as well. He is a hopeless romantic that falls for every girl he sees. Although he seems always happy, Zach harbors a deep longing to destroy. He is incredibly kind to his friends, but ruthless and destructive(and happy)to his enemies.
    Family: Micheal Zen(Father, deceased) Winston Zen(Father) Ellie Quinn[If you couldn't tell, he's adopted.]
    Bio: Adopted with two homosexual fathers, he lived at a cruel orphanage until the age of 6. When he was adopted, his parents were incredibly rich and respected, and treated Zachary well. Zachary went to school and became popular and loved by friends and teachers. However, when he was 13 , his father Micheal died of cancer. This crushed Zachary, and he started to shy away from friends at school. Eventually he ran away, and started living in the woods. A kindly bartender named Ellie found him one day, and took him in. This is where Zachary learned to love alcohol. While at the bar, he became a local fixture and his happiness began to return. However, soon the bar was attacked and destroyed by a group of Kalistinian soldiers, which caused Zach's hate for them to begin. However, he and Ellie escaped and began wandering. Zachary snuck into a government building and discovered how corrupt his own beloved country was. The war had been getting worse and worse, and Zach desided he had to do something. He and Ellie were taken in by Dead Bones and given intense combat training. Eventually, Zach and Ellie own a small bar in the Dead Bones hideout to serve alcohol after missions. Zach has recently begun going on missions and becoming a high ranking rebel as well.
    Weapon of choice: Mounted cannon on arm, shoots small cannonballs but takes time to load. Long gray sword called Skywisp.
    Anything else I haven't told you: Erm... not much, to be honest. Ask questions though.
    Oh, wait:
    1. He plays piano very well, took lessons as a child.
    2. Instead of just serving alcohol, he can brew his own.
    3. Favorite food is steak.
    4. Diplomatic due to his upbringing, rather charismatic.

    Username: Noroz
    My name is: Felix Hartman
    I am also known by my codename: November
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Norway (Damn straight!)
    Appearance: just with normal ears and no sword
    Allegiance: A member of the LP
    Occupation: Assassin/Thief
    Personality: Acts cold around most people, because it’s difficult for him to show any form of emotion. Is rarely happy, but he’s not depressed either, somewhere in between. What pleases him is killing anyone of authority. May open up to people close to him.
    Family: Father: Jack Hartman – Killed, Mother: Elizabeth Hartman – Killed, Sister: Lucy Hartman – killed
    Bio: Felix has always been fascinated with weapons, in particular swords and throwing-weapons. From he was five years old he pretended that the sticks he found on the ground was either swords or throwing-knives. Felix’ family didn’t have much money, so he appreciates the small things. For Felix’ 14th birthday, his father got him a wooden throwing-knife, which Felix carries with him to this day. A few days after he turned 15, his family was killed by the authorities. Ever since that incident, he changed. He is determined to get back at the authorities. He worked every day from he was 15 to 16 to afford weapons. After having bought a sword, dagger and several throwing-knives, he taught himself how to parkour and how to use his weapons. At the age of 19 he found the LP. He appreciated their ideas, and joined them.
    Weapon of choice: Dagger, Sword, Throwing-knife
    Anything else I haven't told you:
    He sings, plays several instruments (mainly guitar).
    (If you didn’t get this already) He’s a lone-wolf, not easy to approach.
    Doesn’t drink alcohol
    He’s a good speaker, though is usually quiet.
    Mature and Serious, rarely cracks jokes.

    Username: gabr
    My name is:KID(read the bio...)
    I am also known by my codename: BLACK ★ STAR
    Age:14 (between 12 and 30)
    Appearance: tell me if i have to change it.
    Occupation: member of the ♠LP♠ the leader of the LP personally pays him to do tasks of the LP and thus he gets money for food, entartainment, rent etc...
    Personality: kid is one of the best and most talented members of the LP but, Kid suffers from asymmetriphobia. Things (and people) must be perfectly symmetrical, lest something unknown and awful happen. Thus if anything is off by any measurement (a picture frame off by millimeter, or a pose that is slightly out of place), he will try to correct it right away, even at the expense of the mission at hand. His favorite number is 8, not only for its symmetry, but for the fact it divides out evenly. He is so obsessed with symmetry that Kid refuses to fight a battle unless he has both of his guns together, as he would be asymmetrical holding just one.

    However this obsession does not just leave him weak. If he sees anything perfect or symmetrical get broken or destroyed, or if an opponent is severely asymmetrical, it will send Kid into a blind rage where he will unload all of his power to either destroy the offensive sight or person. This extreme obsession is why Kid finds his symmetric weapons a way for him to keep his symmetry since they are 2 guns and each one is symetric on its own.

    His obsessive-compulsive outbursts aside, Kid is actually a fairly sophisticated character. He is even smart and cool-headed in battle (if symmetry doesn't enter his mind). There is also a boyish side to him too. He does tricks on his skate board, plays basketball, and will even destroy things (but they must satay symmetrical)

    He doesn't appear to have any problem socializing and genuinely cares for his friends from the LP.

    Family:his parents are dead and uncle is dead and his two little twin sisters and older brothers went missing when his parents were killed
    Bio:he was born in Rome, Italy his family was wealthy how ever due to a change of government there was a rebelion and pilage witch killed his parents when he was 2 years old and was then raised by his uncle who was the only family his parents had alive and he dint even know the kids name so he just called him "KID" because he had no birth-certificate or any sort of document ,and so his uncle witch gave him a good life and raised him with love and care how ever since he was five and they moved all the time to Glandibus and Kalista. his uncle got a call every day at not a second less or more than 5:00 PM whenever kid asked him about it he said its his work untill one day when he was 12 kid woke up to gunshots and by the time he got out of bed the gunshots stoped he went runing to the door wondering if his uncle was okay, and he was lying on the floor dead wit blulets all over him and when he died it was exactly 4:59 PM
    and he heard the phone ringing,still in chock he went to answer the phone and there was a man asking for his uncle AND kid said that he was shot multiple time and that he has to hang up to call the police and the man said that if does the people who did this will just come back to kill KID and kid asked what he should do and he said for him to go to a the mail box,
    then kid said What? the he said "just do it!"so he checkethe mailbox and there was a backpack and and a note
    the note said
    KID,if your reading this ive probably been killed kid all the money i had was borrowed and i couldn't pay it back and so a friend of mine caled every day to see if his henchmen havent killed me yet and they did now,kid in this back pack there is one subway ticket and 10,000 US$ ,and two guns ,take the money and the ticket and go imediately to end of town and get an apartment and live own your own
    -love,you r uncle
    PS-KID only use the guns if you have to

    and so kid went to the edge of town and before anything went to a gun-shop and got some ammo
    its night, kid goes to look for an apartment and on his way he heard
    a lady scream “HELP!” and he went running towards the yell and there was a man with her purse in an ally he went in a said give her ,her purse back,now! And the thug put a gun in his head and he was not scared his face stayed the same and the thug got distracted for a secong and heard a “click” and kids gun was in his stomach and satil calm Kid said “you shoot,I shoot”
    the thug drops his gun and jumps KID making kid drop his gun aswell
    “now it’s a real fight” the thug said no I don’t think so” KID taking his second gun from behind his back and poiting it at him
    “now,leave the purse and go” and the thug did. the lady thanked KID and ran away kid picks up his gun and put both his guns in his backpack then kid picked up the thugs abandoned gun and saw it had no bullets and was a fake “pittyfull” he said throwing it aside and almost out of no-where a man saying “brilliant, bravo!” and clapping “are you sick, you were there the whole time and did nothing“ “I was simply testing you,if saw that you were in “real” danger I would have interrupted the battle, would you like a ride home?” “no thanks” kid replys “but where do you live?” the man asked and kid told him all that happened and he offered shelter if kid were to join his group ”you could do tasks like you took care of that thug” and kid said yes

    Sorry I made it so long
    Weapon of choice: two Beretta 92FS "special" Pistols

    Anything else I haven't told you:yes click here to know some more about kid and asymmetriphobia ohh yes and his guns are so efective he likes to call them his "demon twin guns"

    Username: Marushi
    My name is: Hisashi
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Caucasian
    Appearance: Very handsome, but with a mean sort of look to his face.
    Allegiance: Kalista
    Occupation: Warden of a prison. (So you've been bad, eh? Let's see how you like my prison.)
    Personality: He gets some sort of sick satisfaction in causing pain to those he disllikes, and those he does like, well, there isn't really anyone he likes. (I've been called cruel, and I've been called vicious, but it's all in my line of work. Without me here to enforce the law, we'd have people thinking they could run right over our wonderful country and destroy our great government, and I can't have that.)
    Family: He has no family, his parents died when he was too young to remember them.
    Bio: Raised in Glandibus and switching foster homes every other month, he hated his homeland and knew that, though strong, he was not strong enough to pass the Exam, and ran away to Kalista when he was almost twelve. After he got there, it was discovered that he was brilliant, and when he was old enough, he was placed in a position of authority as the warden of the country's toughest prison.
    Weapon of choice: He carries a pistol with him everywhere he goes, as his line of work makes him a hated enemy of most people, and he has two personal body gaurds.
    Anything else I haven't told you: As my character is the head warden of a prison, I probably will enter a whole lot of temporary characters for very short amounts of time. (That is, if that's allowed. I didn't really see any rule against it, but I'm okay with it being vetoed.) Also, if someone else has a character that is sent to my prison, understand that as head of said prison, I will godmodd. (Which, shouldn't be a big deal, as you are probably already experiencing some godmodding by being sent to my prison in the first place)
    Username: Marushi
    My name is: Maki
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Caucasion
    Appearance: Maki has brown hair cut short with a knife, blue eyes that have seen too much pain, and a pale face. She wears the prison garb of plain black jeans, a black t-shirt with the Kalista emblem on the front, and black work shoes.
    Allegiance: The LP (although she's never seen it).
    Occupation: Prisoner in the Kalista prison
    Personality: Strong but quiet, with the rare ability to lead while keeping her head down, unnoticed.
    Family: She has a father, a mother, and an older sister, but she hasn't heard from them since she was sent to prison and they disowned her, embarrassed by their "Rebellious" daughter.
    Bio: Raised in Kalista, this smart but pretty girl could have been anything- but she chose to rebel. She had heard the stories of a world at peace from a stranger passing through town, (A rebel, most likely) and she decided she didn't want any part of the war. It wasn't long before the government shut her up where she couldn't be heard, and now she lives in the prison indefinately, waiting for trial, like hundreds of others. She soon became the sort of 'head rebel' in the camp, and she takes care of the other prisoners, like a good leader should.
    Weapon of choice: Being a prisoner, she doesn't have any weapons, and as she wants peace and not war, she wouldn't carry any even if she could.

    My name is: Kim
    I am also known by my codename: Pax(pox)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Chinese
    Appearance:Short slim girl with medium length black hair tied in a low ponytail. She commonly wears goggles around her neck even off duty.
    Allegiance: Kalistian
    Occupation: Fighting pilot
    Personality: Raised by pacifistic parents somehow, they taught her that fighting was wrong. All she wants is peace thus why she chose her codename, but her ethics and morals have been broken and shattered a little through the years. Now in order to gain peace, she wants to finish the war by ending Glandibus, who executes potential if it's not good enough, which she sees as wrong. She is a very kind and shy person, but becomes focused and somewhat ragey as she takes off. Her emotions can fly out of control unchecked relatively easily. But most of the time she's cool if she's not in the cockpit.
    Family: Her parents are so proud of her getting into the academy.
    Bio: Her parents believed in the myth of a united country. They wished and desired for it. They instilled this belief that the war must end into their daughter. They didn't like Glandibus for what it did, but they didn't trust the Rebels for who they were thus all that was left was Kalista. Kim was brought up in a well off home since both her parents were smart and intelligent engineers. Later on it was found that Kim had inherited the best of their smarts and had gotten into the prestigious academy. Her parents were so proud. Though she was well off she is not spoiled at all. During war, it's impossible to be spoiled. Now her parents are resting in somewhat peace as Kim takes care of them with her job and pay. She has managed to not only survive every battle but also has a relatively successful mission track.
    Weapon of choice: She made herself proficient in guns, her favorite being a pistol and a sniper rifle.
    Anything else I haven't told you: She has a bad memory which makes for great comedic effect.
    She's relatively friendly.
    She has a thing for guys with glasses. Goggles also work too.
    She really wants the war to end without fighting, but she's not sure how that will be possible.

    I used Jayn's coding as a reference for a lot of this, she's a wonderful person when it comes to this stuff, so credit goes to her for coding, I'm sorry I didn't point it out at first!​
  2. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Interesting and awesome. As noticed, yellow green much?

    Username: Britishism
    My name is: Zachary Zen
    I am also known by my codename: Whiskey (if you want one)
    Age:22 (between 12 and 30)
    Nationality: English(any nationality)
    Appearance:Tall, muscular, and lean. Blond , short-cropped hair. Pale skin. Wears a loose green jacket and a pair of torn jeans.
    Allegiance: A small rebel group in Glandiba called Dead Bones aiming to take control. (are you a Kalistian? Glandibian? A member of the LP or another rebel faction?)
    Personality:Constantly happy, no matter the circumstance. He loves alcohol and food of any sort, and he enjoys fighting as well. He is a hopeless romantic that falls for every girl he sees. Although he seems always happy, Zach harbors a deep longing to destroy. He is incredibly kind to his friends, but ruthless and destructive(and happy)to his enemies.
    Family:Micheal Zen(Father, deceased) Winston Zen(Father) Ellie Quinn[If you couldn't tell, he's adopted.]
    Bio: Adopted with two homosexual fathers, he lived at a cruel orphanage until the age of 6. When he was adopted, his parents were incredibly rich and respected, and treated Zachary well. Zachary went to school and became popular and loved by friends and teachers. However, when he was 13 , his father Micheal died of cancer. This crushed Zachary, and he started to shy away from friends at school. Eventually he ran away, and started living in the woods. A kindly bartender named Ellie found him one day, and took him in. This is where Zachary learned to love alcohol. While at the bar, he became a local fixture and his happiness began to return. However, soon the bar was attacked and destroyed by a group of Kalistinian soldiers, which caused Zach's hate for them to begin. However, he and Ellie escaped and began wandering. Zachary snuck into a government building and discovered how corrupt his own beloved country was. The war had been getting worse and worse, and Zach desided he had to do something. He and Ellie were taken in by Dead Bones and given intense combat training. Eventually, Zach and Ellie own a small bar in the Dead Bones hideout to serve alcohol after missions. Zach has recently begun going on missions and becoming a high ranking rebel as well. (please, details! a short history lesson!!)
    Weapon of choice: Mounted cannon on arm, shoots small cannonballs but takes time to load. Long gray sword called Skywisp. (can be anything)
    Anything else I haven't told you: Erm... not much, to be honest Ask questions though.
    Oh, wait:
    1. He plays piano very well, took lessons as a child.
    2. Instead of just serving alcohol, he can brew his own.
    3. Favorite food is steak.
    4. Diplomatic due to his upbringing, rather charismatic.
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Accepted. (:
  4. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Username: Noroz
    My name is: Felix Hartman
    I am also known by my codename: November
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Norway (Damn straight!)
    Appearance: just with normal ears and no sword (let me know if it’s not Steampunk enough. I haven’t really read/seen too many steampunk things, but let me know.
    Allegiance: A member of the LP
    Occupation: Assassin/Thief
    Personality: Acts cold around most people, because it’s difficult for him to show any form of emotion. Is rarely happy, but he’s not depressed either, somewhere in between. What pleases him is killing anyone of authority. May open up to people close to him.
    Family: Father: Jack Hartman – Killed, Mother: Elizabeth Hartman – Killed, Sister: Lucy Hartman – killed
    Bio: (please, details! a short history lesson!!) Felix has always been fascinated with weapons, in particular swords and throwing-weapons. From he was five years old he pretended that the sticks he found on the ground was either swords or throwing-knives. Felix’ family didn’t have much money, so he appreciates the small things. For Felix’ 14th birthday, his father got him a wooden throwing-knife, which Felix carries with him to this day. A few days after he turned 15, his family was killed by the authorities. Ever since that incident, he changed. He is determined to get back at the authorities. He worked every day from he was 15 to 16 to afford weapons. After having bought a sword, dagger and several throwing-knives, he taught himself how to parkour and how to use his weapons. At the age of 19 he found the LP. He appreciated their ideas, and joined them.
    Weapon of choice: Dagger, Sword, Throwing-knife
    Anything else I haven't told you:
    He sings, plays several instruments (mainly guitar).
    (If you didn’t get this already) He’s a lone-wolf, not easy to approach.
    Doesn’t drink alcohol
    He’s a good speaker, though is usually quiet.
    Mature and Serious, rarely cracks jokes.
  5. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    Username: gabr
    My name is:KID(read the bio...)

    KID Is am also known by my codename: BLACK ★ STAR

    Age: 14

    Gender: BOY

    Nationality: ITALIAN

    tell me if i have to change it.

    Allegiance: ♠LP♠

    Occupation: member of the ♠LP♠ the leader of the LP personally pays him to do tasks of the LP and thus he gets money for food,entartainment,rent etc...
    Personality:kid is one of the best and most talented members of the LP but, Kid suffers from asymmetriphobia. Things (and people) must be perfectly symmetrical, lest something unknown and awful happen. Thus if anything is off by any measurement (a picture frame off by millimeter, or a pose that is slightly out of place), he will try to correct it right away, even at the expense of the mission at hand. His favorite number is 8, not only for its symmetry, but for the fact it divides out evenly. He is so obsessed with symmetry that Kid refuses to fight a battle unless he has both of his guns together, as he would be asymmetrical holding just one.

    However this obsession does not just leave him weak. If he sees anything perfect or symmetrical get broken or destroyed, or if an opponent is severely asymmetrical, it will send Kid into a blind rage where he will unload all of his power to either destroy the offensive sight or person. This extreme obsession is why Kid finds his symmetric weapons a way for him to keep his symmetry since they are 2 guns and each one is symetric on its own.

    His obsessive-compulsive outbursts aside, Kid is actually a fairly sophisticated character. He is even smart and cool-headed in battle (if symmetry doesn't enter his mind). There is also a boyish side to him too. He does tricks on his skate board, plays basketball, and will even destroy things(but they must satay symmetrical)

    He doesn't appear to have any problem socializing and genuinely cares for his friends from the LP.

    Family: his parents are dead and uncle is dead and his two little twin sisters and older brothers went missing when his parents were killed

    Bio: he was born in rome,italy his family was wealthy how ever due to a change of government there was a rebelion and pilage witch killed his parents when he was 2 years old and was then raised by his uncle who was the only family his parents had alive and he dint even know the kids name so he just called him "KID" because he had no birth-certificate or any sort of document ,and so his uncle witch gave him a good life and raised him with love and care how ever since he was five and they moved all the time to glandiba and kalista. his uncle got a call every day at not a second less or more than 5:00 PM whenever kid asked him about it he said its his work untill one day when he was 12 kid woke up to gunshots and by the time he got out of bed the gunshots stoped he went runing to the door wondering if his uncle was okay, and he was lying on the floor dead wit blulets all over him and when he died it was exactly 4:59 PM
    and he heard the phone ringing,still in chock he went to answer the phone and there was a man asking for his uncle AND kid said that he was shot multiple time and that he has to hang up to call the police and the man said that if does the people who did this will just come back to kill KID and kid asked what he should do and he said for him to go to a the mail box,
    then kid said What? the he said "just do it!"so he checkethe mailbox and there was a backpack and and a note
    the note said
    KID,if your reading this ive probably been killed kid all the money i had was borrowed and i couldn't pay it back and so a friend of mine caled every day to see if his henchmen havent killed me yet and they did now,kid in this back pack there is one subway ticket and 10,000 US$ ,and two guns ,take the money and the ticket and go imediately to end of town and get an apartment and live own your own
    -love,you r uncle
    PS-KID only use the guns if you have to

    and so kid went to the edge of town and before anything went to a gun-shop and got some ammo
    its night, kid goes to look for an apartment and on his way he heard
    a lady scream “HELP!†and he went running towards the yell and there was a man with her purse in an ally he went in a said give her ,her purse back,now! And the thug put a gun in his head and he was not scared his face stayed the same and the thug got distracted for a secong and heard a “click†and kids gun was in his stomach and satil calm Kid said “you shoot,I shootâ€
    the thug drops his gun and jumps KID making kid drop his gun aswell
    “now it’s a real fight†the thug said no I don’t think so†KID taking his second gun from behind his back and poiting it at him
    “now,leave the purse and go†and the thug did. the lady thanked KID and ran away kid picks up his gun and put both his guns in his backpack then kid picked up the thugs abandoned gun and saw it had no bullets and was a fake “pittyfull†he said throwing it aside and almost out of no-where a man saying “brilliant, bravo!†and clapping “are you sick, you were there the whole time and did nothing“ “I was simply testing you,if saw that you were in “real†danger I would have interrupted the battle, would you like a ride home?†“no thanks†kid replys “but where do you live?†the man asked and kid told him all that happened and he offered shelter if kid were to join his group â€you could do tasks like you took care of that thug†and kid said yes
    Sorry I made it so long

    Weapon of choice: two Beretta 92FS "special" Pistols

    Anything else I haven't told you :yes click here to know some more about kid and asymmetriphobia ohh yes and his guns are so efective he likes to call them his "demon twin guns"
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Accepted. (: your appearance is fine.

    Kid is accepted, however I would appreciate it if you would use a different color for your coding, something less...dark, not to mention we already have someone using blue, so... Yeah. Oh yeah, and if you could work on you capitalization...that would be awesome.
  7. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    okay its now yelow and ill try to work on my capitalization from now on...
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I appreciate it.
  9. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    If you'd like me to, I can use normal blue instead of navy.
  10. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    If you'd like. It is a bit hard for me to read... But it is you decision. (:
  11. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    Yes and good job in making this OCC, it sounds awesome and the STEAMPUNK touch is great.
  12. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I appreciate the compliment, but if only we could get more members to join...
  13. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    We can make it awesome just on our own...
    But, if you want more people, just put a link in you're sig.​
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Alright guys, the RP is up!
  15. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Username: Marushi
    My name is: Hisashi
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Caucasion
    Appearance: Very handsome, but with a mean sort of look to his face.
    Allegiance: Kilesta
    Occupation: Warden of a prison. (So you've been bad, eh? Let's see how you like my prison.)
    Personality: He gets some sort of sick satisfaction in causing pain to those he disllikes, and those he does like, well, there isn't really anyone he likes. (I've been called cruel, and I've been called vicious, but it's all in my line of work. Without me here to enforce the law, we'd have people thinking they could run right over our wonderful country and destroy our great government, and I can't have that.)
    Family: He has no family, his parents died when he was too young to remember them.
    Bio: Raised in Glandibus and switching foster homes every other month, he hated his homeland and knew that, though strong, he was not strong enough to pass the Exam, and ran away to Kalista when he was almost twelve. After he got there, it was discovered that he was brilliant, and when he was old enough, he was placed in a position of authority as the warden of the country's toughest prison.
    Weapon of choice: He carries a pistol with him everywhere he goes, as his line of work makes him a hated enemy of most people, and he has two personal body gaurds.
    Anything else I haven't told you: As my character is the head warden of a prison, I probably will enter a whole lot of temporary characters for very short amounts of time. (That is, if that's allowed. I didn't really see any rule against it, but I'm okay with it being vetoed.) Also, if someone else has a character that is sent to my prison, understand that as head of said prison, I will godmodd. (Which, shouldn't be a big deal, as you are probably already experiencing some godmodding by being sent to my prison in the first place)

    Username: Marushi
    My name is: Maki
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Caucasion
    Appearance: Maki has brown hair cut short with a knife, blue eyes that have seen too much pain, and a pale face. She wears the prison garb of plain black jeans, a black t-shirt with the Kalista emblem on the front, and black work shoes.
    Allegiance: The LB (although she's never seen it).
    Occupation: Prisoner in the Kalista prison
    Personality: Strong but quiet, with the rare ability to lead while keeping her head down, unnoticed.
    Family: She has a father, a mother, and an older sister, but she hasn't heard from them since she was sent to prison and they disowned her, embarrassed by their "Rebellious" daughter.
    Bio: Raised in Kalista, this smart but pretty girl could have been anything- but she chose to rebel. She had heard the stories of a world at peace from a stranger passing through town, (A rebel, most likely) and she decided she didn't want any part of the war. It wasn't long before the government shut her up where she couldn't be heard, and now she lives in the prison indefinately, waiting for trial, like hundreds of others. She soon became the sort of 'head rebel' in the camp, and she takes care of the other prisoners, like a good leader should.
    Weapon of choice: Being a prisoner, she doesn't have any weapons, and as she wants peace and not war, she wouldn't carry any even if she could.
  16. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Sounds good. I'll post as soon as I can, which will be sometime tomorrow (atm its 2.20AM o.o)
  17. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I appreciate you letting me know about the godmodding ahead of time, and yes, since it is your prison, I will let you have your way with it. Accepted.

    Very good, she sounds interesting. Accepted.
  18. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    okay when do we start??
  19. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I've already posted the RP, so you're free to start when you want. There's a link in my sig.
  20. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    okay HOW do i start?
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