The Work of Death 2056 A.D -2132 A.D Everyone has a specific time to die, right? Seems like every second...ticking away from their life span. It drives everyone crazy at some point. Tick.. there went another second Tick.. and another. Not Julie though. She had no time of death. She wasn't alive...and she wasn't dead. She was soulless, and without a soul, she couldn't rest peacefully in heaven, or rot in depths of hell. The mountains caved over, and the winds howled. She had came back to a place, she once called home, over one hundred years ago, before she died. She knew she wasn't really dead. She just thought, that since she was killed, she should be dead. But no... her curse was there to protect her, and to harm her, all at once. The cold howling winds made her shiver as she lay on the sidewalk. The school bell about to ring, waiting for the kids to rush out of the school. To be let out for Summer break. She had no break. She had work. One teenager's life, was about to end... and their time was up. "Nick Potter," she said softly, looking up at the sky. She could immediately see his face, his body, his mind, in her head. What was it that made her feel bad about this kid? She could kill anyone, and it wouldn't bother her. Any way of killing someone too. Cancer, heart disease, heart attacks, strokes... anything she wanted. Usually it was the heart attack, or the stroke. But when she wanted, she could make up some sort of non curable diagnosis, just to toy around the last few days of their life. Nick however, wasn't going to suffer. A Quick death would be better. A simple shut down of his brain... or maybe a broke neck? It was hard to chose. She'd never wanted to show herself in front of someone either. Usually if she was, she was to take over someone, or make them think a certain way, and she could make someone kill another person, for murder. She could control anyone, and make them go to suicide. She would be the stress that haunts everyone's day. Anything, she wanted. Only Two prices. Walk among the living, and stay soulless, and never go to Heaven... nor hell. A shattering ring came across her ears. She sat up, and looked as the teenagers, and some adults walked out of the school building. It was a high School After all. She could recall the time before her, death when she had went to school. She was just turning for her sweet sixteen. All her friends ready to go, to the slumber party she planned. Everything was perfect. Everything...but her killer. It was wicked. Very sad, and horrible to know. After stepping foot in her home... She saw the house empty, and she was the first to step into the house, making sure the other girls stood out, in case for danger. One snap of the door, and it was shut and locked. Stood there in front of her.. Her only parent. Her father. Bashing and running occurred in the house. It was not a pretty site. He was mad, angry, and worst of all... abusive. After the thrashing, cars pulled up to the house. Loud police sirens and a bust of the door. One word....that's all it took... One word. It all ended soon, as she felt the crimson color spread across her head, across the floor, and across her shook body. One loud bang, and her head became numb. Along with the rest of her body. She only felt one drop of blood run down her face, then everything just shut off... Like a light. Awoken in the dark, and offered a chance, to go back. To go among them all. To BE Death itself. She never believe herself. She always thought, she was dreaming, and one day she would wake up. That day...never came
Wow. Really enthrawling. My only critique is some of the sentences don't entirely sound right, and there are some grammatical errors. Other than that...i'd like to see some more of this character. It's creative and new.
Thanks Guys Another part There he was... Standing on the curb all alone.. The whole classes finally made it out, but he..just stood there. His blonde hair matching much whiter than hers, and much more prettier. She looked at his chest, and could see his muscles through the brown shirt he wore. She walked up a few more paces and took a deep breathe. Why must she feel like this around him? Why couldn't she just go on and kill him like everyone else.. He seemed much different. It was scary. His face was almost white as snow, as if he never tanned. His eyes, bright blue, and they stood out like a diamond in a rock pile. .. his jeans baggy and dark. He wasn't like anyone else. She could let herself get carried away. She looked down at her ring. The black one, that clouded purple and black over the circle. It was acting stranger than usual. She looked up at him. She wasn't just a few feet away, but to him, she wasn't even there. Not to be seen or heard, until she takes off her ring. "He's not even...human," she said, under her breath in a whisper. Even though he was still there, she didn't feel right about speaking aloud. She looked at the ring closer. It was acting stranger, and the pool of dark purple and black clouds shifted from the center to the outer ring. She took another look up. "Surely, not," she said a little louder. He seemed to sit down with a heavy sigh. It was so beautiful. his sigh, was his voice, and it was heavenly. She took off her ring, and slowly faded into existence. She tapped his shoulder. "Nick Potter?" she asked. It was so uneasy for her. There he was, all perfect in many ways. She just thought how gorgeous his eyes were. So deep to get lost in. "Yes?" he answered. It still sounded heavenly. She didn't want to take it anymore. She wanted to just, feel the heavenly voice onto her. She wanted him to talk again, so the smooth voice would fill her and make her somewhat happy. "I'm Julie," she said sitting next to him. He smiled and it was a comforting smile. The next thing she knew, he put his arm around her. "Is there something I can help you with Julie?" he asked. She took a deep breath. It was still to wonderful. She looked and he smiled. Something didn't really seem right with him. His teeth looked perfect. Pearly white... Only a few flaws. Two of his teeth were sharp... Maybe, fangs? No it couldn't be. She took a deeper look, not moving her head. Even more looked sharper. They looked so beautiful, and straight it was hardly noticeable. "Something wrong?" he asked me, seemingly a little offended that she was staring at him. "Oh, no I'm sorry," she said looking down. She looked back over at him with a chuckle. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you...But I'm...death," she said softly. He chuckled even more louder than I had imagined. It was silly but heavenly again. "You must be joking, right? I can't die," he said. I couldn't believe those words came out of his mouth. It was maddening. His beauty, just smashed down, by those words.'I can't die'...I tried to get a closer look at him. His eye color, changed.. They were a darker blue now. Still very beautiful, but his attitude just got lost. "What do you mean can't die?" she asked. She probably knew the reason...She was just too lazy to find out. "Ummm," he tried to say. The face he made, meant he knew he said something he shouldn't have. "It's hard to explain but I'm not...." "human?" she asked.. Then saw the frightening fear and anger in his deep eyes.