When putting water and Alka Seltzer in a film container, tightly sealing it with the cap, and tipping it upside down to watch it rocket off/explode toward the celing... quote OH MY GOD! IT'S LIKE SEEING BOOBS FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! 8D unquote You hear that kh-vids? Watching Alka Seltzer react with water is like seeing boobs for the first time; according to a chipper, eighteen year old man boy. B| that was about the most lulzy study hall evur. :L Thank you for your time.
I mixed almost every chemical into a glass thing then put a match in it just to see what would happen. I had to write out 'I must not play with matches or dangerous chemicals' 100 times after. It was totally worth the explosion.
Nothing to do with the actual chemistry, but I took this dodgy sweet in chem once and went into some kind of fit 8D My pupils were EXTREMELY dialated and I was shouting out random crap and flinging bunsen burners everywhere @_@ Then I went and lay down on the floor. D: Thank god my chem teacher was a tard and used to leave us alone all lesson <:
Next time you have chemistry take a huge piece of kalium and drop it in water =D or even better (doubt the school will have it) rubidium or even caesium
lol but you could never get francium at any place since it's radioactive and there's like hardly any left in the world