This is an incredible novel. I hope at least someone on here has read it; if not, go and do so! It might look like a children's novel... and maybe it IS a children's novel, but don't judge it based upon that. It's definitely an elementary form of mystery, but I don't think I'd be able to read a more complicated one. Here's the description on the back of the book: "One fateful day, sixteen people gather for the reading of Samuel W. Westing's Will. To their surprise, the will turns out to be a contest, challenging the heirs to find out who amoung them is Westing's murderer. Forging ahead, through blizzards, buglaries, and bombings, the game is on. Only two people hold all of the clues. One of them is Westing heir. The other is you!"
Yes, I love this book! It's actually really intense for a children's book, and I found myself breathing faster as I read it. Lots of suspense and complexity.
Oh, I remember this book! Kinda. I know I liked it, but I don't remember exactly what happened because I read it a long time ago. I do remember the ending though. It was a good book, even if it was for kids.