The Ward.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by White_Rook, Dec 3, 2008.

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  1. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Okay guys, I need to find out superdooper ASAP if you want to join so please post your profiles. Now this is an elaborate story about a bunch of angst-ridden teenagers who all share the same area of the Chunwang Xiao Hospital: The cancer ward. While I need each individual to show some struggle with their own illness and chemotherapy, I also want to have some romance and intense interpersonal relationships develop between the sickies- cancer can't bring down love right? RIGHT! Now the characters will primarily consist of those who are terminally ill, but you can also have one or two accessory characters like family of friends that come and visit now and then. Please post a bio similar to this:

    Name: Horatio Smatimoff-Chan
    Age: 16
    Cancer: Colon (malignant)
    Bio: Horatio has been in the cancer ward for 3 years now and while he does not like to talk much he has developed an unspoken bond with many in his ward, due to all of them being near the same age and having cancer. He feels like most people don't understand him at times, and with his recent bout of chemo going awry, his condition isn't helping much. Will the other kids in the ward reach out and give him a helping hand, or will he suffer whatever remaining days he has left in his own sick isolation?
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