The Wapanese/Weeabo

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Kaihedgie, May 14, 2008.

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  1. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    I think we ALL might have been there. Oh yes. XD.

    It's pretty much unknown where or whom the term originated from, but its pretty clear of its meaning: 'Wannabe Japanese', or its more offensive, half-right counterpart, 'white Japanese'. The Wapanese are a large group of non-Japanese people who are loyally devoted to the county known as Japan. However, unlike their more sensible counterparts, the Japanophiles, Wapanese people don't actually give two sh*ts about their culture.. They are only loyal to the anime and manga they produced, despite the fact that its quality has degraded over time. They are under the sole belief that everything in Japanese is godly and is ALL ABOUT anime. A Wapanese person will not hold back the urge to ask any Asian what anime they watch even though all Asians DON'T ACTUALLY WATCH anime. Some will also be incidentally offensive when attempting to speak Japanese when the only thing that comes out is garbled crap. A LOT of Wapanese people have never even been to Japan, and thus, are in for a rude awakenin'

    The Japanese language is a VERY complex language to learn, in my opinion. Under the belief that watching anime in its original language will fully educate you will probably leave you on the ground in a pool of b*tch-slap-of-reality and/or blood. Watchin' an anime in its original format gives the Wapanese the impression they're better than people who watch it in language they actually understand and think that the original format is ALWAYS better, when this is clearly not true at all.

    Back in the 90s in America, us doods were growin' up and usually on a daily basis, we watched anime a lot cause we thought it was cool, and it was, to be honest. XD But then again, we also watched cartoons native to our own country like Ren & Stimpy or Dexter's Laboratory. But as the internet became prominent and whatnot in the 21st century, some of us lost ze way and others were a little impressionable.

    Anime in general has gotten a little....stale. Today's anime usually come in the form of countlessly recycled plots and storylines that have been used in the 80s/90s. Of course, Wapanese people don't care about that. It's all about fanservice these days. They'd rather look at cutsey/sexy girls with big, oddly colored eyes in scanty regalia or girly-lookin' men and boys with hairstyles that people with enough sense wouldn't be caught dead in and listen to nothin' other than J-Pop and go so far as to treat these fictional characters as real people.

    Actually, now that I think about it, this is sorta like back in the WAY older days when America was typically viewed as a country literally made of money until people actually made it there and got treated like sh*t just for bein' from a different country. Today, the Wapanese view Japan as Heaven on Earth and treat their own country of origin like sh*t just because they don't make or watch anime. To be honest, Japan is serious business. Tokyo is known be VERY F*CKIN' BUSY.

    Losin' meh trail of thought, whaddya think of these guys?
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