Not to be confused with this game: [/media] This video is a teaser of a game that'll be a first person shooter starring Daryl(from the TV series) as the main character with his brother Merle(also on the TV series) as a secondary main character. It's being developed by Activision and will be focusing on the survival elements of a zombie apocalypse as seen in the show and comics. No gameplay has been shown yet. Game will take place before the start of the TV show. Merle will still have his hand. Get ready for lots of racist comments from him. If anyone is wondering why Daryl was picked, I'm sure it's because he's the most popular character outside of Rick(the comic and TV series' main character). Yes, this much is true because given how Talking Dead's(a show that comes on after The Walking Dead) recent poll went...Daryl is the viewers' first choice for who would be their side kick in a zombie apocalypse. He beat out Rick, Shane, and Andrea by a long shot. So yes, Daryl is very popular.
I can't see playing as Daryl. I could see having him as a guide to the player and team mate, but not being him. I'm not sure how this will go, FPS games have varying degrees of quality, and with a series focused on characters, how will they be able to convey this to the audience? I don't know, I hope, but I don't know...
This is the one that will be sh*t. Like that LOST game, or Game of Thrones the game. TV to gaming just doesn't pan out all that well.