...lol! Not really. I'm not really going to make an RP about KHV XD Albeit, let's just pretend that I am. *coughs and dramatic music plays* This is an RP for all you RPers and none-RPers! I am making an RP about KHV and for KHV! *dramatic music ends* Let's just cut to the chase. In this event (should you choose to join)... Which character would you be? (Ergo; which member on the site would you choose to play?) How would you play them and why? (Bear in mind that it would be preferable to play them in character.) No, you can't choose to play yourself... that'd be no fun. XD ~ Anyway, I'll start... I'd play SPdude. How would I go about doing that? I'd never post... ever. It seems pretty accurate to me. XD I'm sure I actually don't even need to explain why. ~ And now... GO!
Wow... I never even looked at it. I just remembered seeing it in the one image. Also, if it's possible, could I play some outside characters like Tony Stark (lol, technically I am him) and The Doctor (Ten to be specific).
I'd say no... XD You're meant to play (well... if this RP actually existed, you'd be meant to play) as the other members of the site. That's kinda what I'm going for.
I'd either be Cat and make sure every second post has a reference to Doctor Who, Iron Man or any of my other hot older men, or Kelly and be adorable whilst at the same time wanting to kill everyone who calls me adorable.