Digital Art The Tyrant

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Laplace, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007

    He eats missiles for breakfast (Inside joke, Azrael's ENG VA is the same as Wesker's, and his special moves are named after missiles (Gustaf Buster, Phalanx Cannon, Scud Punishment, etc))

    Made following Misty's "High Places" tutorial but decided to add my own twist given Azrael's (The character above) brutal personality. Thanks a lot for it again, Misty.

    Slowly shaking that rust off... Maybe.
  2. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Hey look it's my main :D

    I love what you do with the text in this one. I've GOT to learn how to do that. It's just the right mix of "actually legible" and "seamlessly integrated," the I'll always be fond of deep reds and bright oranges/yellows, and the way they frame Azrael in this makes him look like he's on fire. Fitting, to say the least.

    Can't find much to critique here, except... the small text is kinda blurry? The edges seem soft. Could just be my eyes failing to focus, Idk.
  3. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Yeah I want to use Azrael too. Even if as a sub, haha.

    The huge text is actually trial and error, I do it like this: You make an Apply Image of the entire thing and then make it a clipping mask over the text, move it until a part of it looks nice, duplicate it and move it again until it looks nice on another part of the text, then delete whatever is over the first place that looked nice on the second Apply Image (So you can look at it again). Don't know if I explained myself very well (Please make me know). Very rarely I can do that in one Apply Image.

    The small text is meant to be unredeable (As in, just there for the cool factor), it says "The Tyrant rises from his slumber, angered by his own nightmares, it proceeds to chase upon his enemies", I don't know how it became seemingly readable, I did the same as with the Terumi signature.

    But yeah, thanks again.
  4. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    I'm a little lost but I don't even know what Apply Image is so that's probably why @ u@ I might just play with it in PS one of these days, thanks for elucidating though.

    As for the small text, that makes sense. Maybe I was just trying too hard to read it, haha.
  5. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    In the Image tab on Photoshop, there's an "Apply Image" option, which basically takes a screenshot of whatever you are currently working on and puts it on the layer currently selected, think of Printscreen but without the need of cropping everything that isn't the current image you are working on. Mostly used on empty layers to sharpen the whole image or, as I did too, make them clipping masks.

    Anything else you couldn't get? But we better talk this over in PMs, visitor messages or something like that (I'm getting kinda off-topic right now)

    And yeah, don't worry too much about it, it's meant to be unreadeable. Haha.