The Twitteradventures of Sabby and Noroz

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Noroz, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    I hope you all know how Twitter works, when it's @sabbyli, it's me talking, when it's @PABraten, it's her.

    @sabbyli sup babe?

    @PABraten LOL nothing much. talking to some norway kid, you?

    @sabbyli Oh, the guy you have a crush on?

    @PABraten AHAHAHA no, sadly I think he has a crush on me. Kinda scary

    @sabbyli I'm fairly this is the guy we talked about a while back? You said "I'm kind of scared, because he lives so far away," no?

    @PABraten lolll no. what the hell are you talking about? XD So tell me about this girl. hahaha actually don't lol

    @sabbyli What girl? Are you implying that I should tell you how amazing I think you are? Please.

    @PABraten LOL me? you must be crazy D:

    @sabbyli ... Are you hitting in me again? Sabrina, I've told you before, it can't work out between us...

    @PABraten Oh please. It is you that hits on me. D:

    @sabbyli You're wrong. All the late night Skype calls you gave me, telling me that you just want to pretend I'm next to you
    makes it obvious

    @PABraten loll what the ****. You are the one that asks for Skype time. Obviously you are the one that thinks about me. I'm the innocent one

    @sabbyli Haha, nice comeback, darling. "You did it!" is an argument along the lines of "No, you are!" I enjoy Skyping w/ you, though

    @PABraten lol me too

    @sabbyli Of course you do, hence you asking to Skype daily.

    @PABraten omg no I don't! You ask for it.

    @sabbyli Once again, great comeback. You told me you loved me, and I appreciate it. I care for you a lot too.

    @PABraten what can i say. I'm a heartbreaker

    @sabbyli I don't quite see how. All you've done so far is hit on me... No hearts broken here!

    @PABraten I don't hit on you. YOU HIT ON ME

    @sabbyli Please don't lie to make yourself better. You told me, if I were in Toronto, we could go out. Sadly, I am not.

    @PABraten lol please. in your dreams

    @sabbyli Not really. It's a fun thought, but I can't say that we'll ever be together. I know you say you'll go to Norway with me, but still

    @PABraten i'm not going to norway. i'm staying in Canada

    @sabbyli That's not what you told me, but ok.

    @PABraten keep telling yourself that

    Stay tuned for another episode of The Twitteradventures of Sabby and Noroz!
  2. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011
    Damn, that's embarrassing. If I was rejected over and over again by a girl, I would never post it online. You're just asking to be ridiculed.
  3. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Yes, you are correct. I constantly get rejected by her, because I constantly tell her how much I love her from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what to do Zter, and I want the world to know how hopelessly in love I am with her. Oh my heart is breaking and it hurts.

    Oh, and just to make sure you get it,
  4. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    *Turns off TV*

    Well that Pilot episode was shite.

    When I say get a room, friend. I mean get a room somewhere on the Easter Islands where there is no Internet connection! Love ya.

    He has no shame. Literally nearly no shame at all. A blessing and a curse.