Top 5 The Top 5: 15th-21st June 2010

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    Hello again. Another Top 5 for you guys. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t make it into the Top 5, it doesn’t mean your entry wasn’t good it just means you’ve got to keep trying and one week you might find your name and video up in a thread. I'm glad to see a lot more people getting involved but I‘d like to see even more, it makes the range of videos quite different.

    1. Roxas & Riku Are Coming Undone
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Mage
    Song: Coming Undone - Korn
    Details: A nicely made amv making good use of the lyrics with the scenes of KH with Roxas and Riku. I especially like the constant effect with the fuzzy sounding guitar and the few transitions with the clap. The border is also quite nice but too static for the feel of the music. Also, it cuts off at the end which completely through me off, especially since I do like this song. A good video, just let down by the sudden ending.

    2. Kingdom Hearts AMV: All The Right Moves
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Shadow Tag
    Song: All the Right Moves - One Republic
    Details: A nicely edited video, unfortunately let down by it’s quality in both video and audio. It kinda looks like it’s been recorded. Either way it’s a nice video that uses transitions and video effects with the drum beat quite well. It’s entertaining if you can stand the fluttery quality noise.

    3. Innocence Akuroku
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: zexionfan123
    Song: Innocence - Avril Lavigne
    Details: There’s some really nice editing here but the theme of the video isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but it is nicely done. It’s a little bit short but gets it’s point across quite clearly.

    4. Flowers
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: karrin19
    Song: I’m not sure what the song is or who it’s by.
    Details: A very short video but very nice and has great flow, which is probably why it’s so short. Anywho, I’ve not played BBS but I think that’s using only very few scenes and works quite well for the song and the story you placed in the info box. Also gives me a nice little peak at BBS without spoiling anything I didn’t already know xD

    5. Kingdom Hearts ~ Inception
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: thepissedkatamari
    Audio: Inception trailer
    Details: I’m not usually a fan of amv trailers but you’ve uploaded quite and a few good ones and it was a real struggle to decide between them. I ended up going with this one. It’s pretty well edited, keeps the ideas of the movie intact and mostly has the same type of feeling as the trailer would give. I definitely felt like Sora was entering dreams in this.
  2. Mage Moogle Assistant

    Jun 22, 2010
    Thanks XD

    Just wanted to say thanks and the reason the video cut short is because the audio was out of sync with the video , I have re-uploaded it so it should make sense now XD
  3. yushe\sora Twilight Town Denizen

    wow great picks all the videos were good!!!
  4. accio75 Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 25, 2009
    Atlantis, Upper Ring, 2197 Coral Circle
    Holy crapmonkeys!

    lol inception was the best kh vid ive ever seen! it was pure awesomness!

    "ive got it under control, alright?"
  5. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I thought that number two would be one and vice-versa but all of them are still good.
  6. Ominous-Glory Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 17, 2010
    Psuedo Shadow-Tag says: "Razzle fazzle."

    Holy Rock me ammadeus by german rock group Falco!

    I'm a hella suprised I was even entered for this let alone come second. o_e But thanks. xD I may do another video just for this top 5 thing. >.>

    But off I go into the sunste to bring forth another video once more. And thanks again. X3

    ~Le poof~