The sorrow bird

Discussion in 'Archives' started by myoblivion, Nov 19, 2007.

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  1. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    A poem I made yesterday....Its not that good, but it explains somethings in my life. Also my opinions. Please tell me what you think....

    The sorrow bird.

    Waking up too see nothing around
    The protectors of me blank and weak
    With the roof of light now black and keeping me captive
    And the sorrow bird, punishing me

    My eyes plain and swollen with heavy tears
    Mouth spilling out words of uneasy and unwelcoming
    Once a happy face now a false appearance
    And the sorrow bird, scorning me

    Gun shots are becoming the national song
    Kids suffering and crying from our wars
    The world, turning into a grey planet
    And the sorrow bird, encouraging it

    Dark becomes light when one appearance comes clear
    Sweet, sweet concerns and trust are shared
    Beautiful warmth of sympathy
    And the sorrow bird, trying to destroy it

    A gathering of the warm-hearted
    Yet some abuse and terrify, for they abandon
    To some respect and love their descendants
    And the sorrow bird, hating them

    For the thoughts of changing
    They reside in my cold mind
    Uninvitingly as they wisp and flow into nightmares
    And the sorrow bird, clapping with delight
  2. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    all i can say is that i think this poem dose describe alot of things perfectly. that our world is caught up in war and alot of people are full of hatred, but there is one thing that i protest, not everyone is bad, and you have to be less pesimistic, try to think a little more positive, no im not saying think that our world is a perfect and completely happy planet, but think of alot of the good that our world has to offer
  3. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Wow, this is awesome...great job! It's very detailed, with a lovely choice of words, and about the totally got it on the nose...
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