The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know~A New Sensation (Chapter One)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Jordier0xs0x, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Yes! A Re-write! No! I wont slack off and not continue It!

    But uh..Just In case I do, you're more then welcome to lecture me.

    Original Story:
    Thanks to: Forsaken, Kitty (More will be added If I get stuck on Ideas)

    Music flowed throughout the dark streets, filling the sky with happiness and joy. The neighbors were even up and about, complaining about the loud music that was ringing in their ears. But nothing could destroy this wonderful night.
    It was the Third Year Anniversary of KH-Vids and Deathspank (DS, Creator of KH-Vids) had gotten tickets for all different members, Staff, Premiums, Normal, and the uh..Not so normal members. They were all Nerds, Dorks and Geeks at heart, joining a forum dedicated to a game named Kingdom Hearts.
    So, why were they celebrating such a big event for a game? Well, because this is KH-Vids. The site can’t go a day without some abnormal thing happening.
    Laugher and talk spread around the yard, almost taking over the music. Catch The Rain (CTR, S.Mod) wondered silently around the backyard, stopping to say hello or to chat. She was most likely trying to find Shadowjak (SJ, Sectional Mod) through the different crowds.
    Meanwhile, Rosey (Rosey, former S.Mod, now a Sectional Mod) and a couple of others were debating about being able to hit a girl. “I don’t see what’s so wrong,” she began “Why can’t you guys hit us?”
    Vivi’s Dark Side (Vivi, former Staff Member) interrupted her speech “I have this annoying quality, it's called being a gentleman, gentle-man.” Kitty_ mckechnie (Kitty, former S.Mod, now premium) and Sora13 (Sora13, Normal Member) laughed out loud at his comment.
    Their laugher drifted away to another group “55687, is that so?” ~Amber~ (Amber, Premium Member) replied to The Great Gatz (Roxma, Premium Member) “55688, you wouldn’t believe half of it” Roxma grinned.
    More and more faces showed up at DS’ doorstep, greeting him with excitement. Soon enough, the yard was full up and so people started going out the front. DS looked innocently at his, once empty, house and smiled slightly. Sara (Sara, Administrator) came up behind DS “Well, It’s certainly a crowd” she joked. DS laughed “Yes, you’re right” the two faced each other “So how did you afford all the plane tickets?!” the question had been building up in Sara the whole day “That’s the thing...I can’t quite remember” he looked to the wall, trying to find a trace of memory “That’s odd” Sara frowned and slowly drifted away, talking to a couple of other members.
    Yes, it is odd He thought. What’s more, how did everyone he invited come? What about their parents? I would have thought half the people here wouldn’t be allowed. but the thought was wiped off his mind as Misty (Misty, S.Mod) came up to him.

    Beyond all the noise and movement, the music and talk echoed to the next street as a slow shadow crept from the corner. It slithered quietly in the dark streets, making sure he was well hidden.
    As he reached the corner of the street, he flew to a electrical pole and crawled slowly across the line to the pole just next to the lively house. The thing spread his wings and made a comfortable seat upon the pole.

    To Be Continued...

  2. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    There has never been truer words on the internet xD

    I really like this remake Jordie. And yeah i'll start smacking you if you start slacking off <_<
  3. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    i re-read this just yesterday (you know the story <>) and i see you came up with something new :3
    if you wont finish it i will x3
    hopre to see more here <3