The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know...12 (Last Chapter)

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Oct 21, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Ooohhhhh!! The ending!! Hope you like It! ^^

    I have to stop writing, and help them Thought Roxas Maybe....Maybe I can write something that wont get me dead, and wont get them dead either Girly pulled the chain "Keep on going" She said. Roxas sighed and tried to think of what to write. He looked up and saw Kitty getting trapped by a spider...Thats It!

    Suddenly, Kitty found a whip on the ground, a black and brown thick whip that almost called to her...

    Roxas looked up and saw Kitty picking up the whip, and whipping the spider

    The spider grew afraid of Kitty and the whip, and fled away...

    "What?" Girly looked at Roxas "What are you writing? Where'd that whip come from? Roxas!" Girly pulled the chain again, and Roxas winced. Now what? Umm.... Roxas saw Arc and Darky, fighting another spider, then he saw K a i r i and Xaldin and...what he never wanted to see, Roseys body on the ground. No...I'm so sorry Rosey.... Now he was angry

    The spiders backed away from the people, and bumped Into each other, getting Into a fight...

    "ROXAS!!" Girly pulled the chain very hard that time. He winced In pain and suddenly a hand banged on his book "Why bother helping them? They banned you too...When that site was your life" CFF looked at Roxas "Well, If that site was my life, why bother hurting them? They were the people who ma-" CFF growled "Keep writing, NOW!" and looked away.

    Suddenly, all of the spiders became scared of the humans...

    "STOP IT! NOW!" Screamed Girly

    ...and they backed away, wanting to flee out of the dark room...

    "ROXAS!!!" Girly looked at the spiders In shock

    ...they realized who was making them stay, and fight...

    "Whats happening?" RvR looked at the spiders, frowning

    ...all of the remaining spiders turned to look at the three people, at the front of the room...

    "Roxas...Stop...Now...Or I'll KILL you!" CFF shouted, almost scared. The chain that Girly was holding, was shaking

    ...and they realized, It was them, who made their clan fight, and die...

    "He's...risking his life..." Angel looked In owe

    ...and then....

    "Roxas..." Sara frowned "He couldn't..."


    "GIRLY WE MUST JUMP! LEAVE ROXAS!" CFF got ready, and Girly dropped the chain


    The spiders all jumped towards CFF, Girly and Roxas. Good Luck KHV... CFF and Girly jumped out of the way, and the spiders killed Roxas, the book and pen dropped on the ground, almost In slow motion

    Sara couldn't believe her eyes. Once an S. Mod, who got banned, risked his life for a site, for his friends. "You've killed too many people..." Said DS, frowning at CFF and Girly "FOR KHV!!" He yelled and the KHV Army yelled back "FOR KHV!!!!!"
    The KHV Army ran at the two people

    Vivi looked at everyone as they ran, he saw the spiders joining In, only to kill 2 people. It went so slow, but fast at the same time. Girly and CFF tried to run and fight, but people kept cutting them off, and hurting them until they were...

    "You'll pay for this! You'll never destroy CFF! NEVER!" CFF fell next to Girly, eyes open and dead. The whole of the KHV Army shouted In delight and suddenly the cave began to cave In. Everyone fled to the big doors, but couldn't get them open "Oh no!" someone shouted but CtR and Cocohints ran In with a key, unlocking the door "CtR? Coco?" Vivi frowned "Hurry up!" Coco shouted, everyone scrambled out of the door, CtR picking up Rosey's body, OWH picking up TCO's body and Sara picking up Roxas' body.

    Once outside of the door, they all looked up at the big hole "Ready?" DS looked at the Army. "Lets go..." The Army climbed up the latter looking Into the outside world.

    Forsaken sighed, but heard a noise "What? DS?!? SARA?!" everyone looked In surprise "We're okay..." Said DA, sitting down. Suddenly the cave crashed Into bits. Everyone looked at the cave then back back the exhausted Army "What happened?" Forsaken asked, and the Army told the whole story, of the worlds, deaths, Roxas' book, Spiders, CFF and Girly. Everything.
    Once they finished, Forsaken looked In owe "Wow....Thats some story..." the others nodded

    A couple of days later, KHV had a funeral. For Trigger, Mish, SJ, Rosey, Roxas and TCO, there were tears and hope, hope for KHV, hope for everyone. "...we shall miss them dearly" Darky finished off.
    After the funeral Jordie sighed "Whats wrong Jordie?" Angel asked, she sat down next to her "Y'know, I still haven't thought of a story, and Its getting really annoying" Angel laughed as CtR came over "Silly, you just wrote one! The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know!" Jordie smiled "I guess your right" Jordie dropped her pen and book, and the three went to join the others

    In the darkness, CFF lifted himself up "No one ruins my plans...NO ONE!" he shouted Into the night

    The End...

    ...Or Is It?

  2. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007


    But I love it :3
  3. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    My hero was cocohints LOL That's awesome xD

    Jordie this was a fantastic story all the way through.

    *mega glomps*
  4. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Damn! Only been mentioned once! but a great story indeed!
  5. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Gah, dramatic ending! o:

    These stories are fun.. :3

    I'm surprised I was useful too, I know. X3
  6. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    like how very awesome jordie ^^
    thanks for that =D
  7. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Awesome. Atleast I didn't die xD
  8. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    There might be a sequal.. o:
  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Oh no I'm not mentioned in the last chapter V_V
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